Sunday, March 10, 2013

Discuss the reasons why the Chaldeans reported Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's refusal to bow down to the Golden Image. 522 - 3-1

Four teenage boys transported to Babylon by King Nebuchadnezzar are/ were a powerful witness of grace under fire. By faith, three of them literally came though the fiery furnace and one used a lion's paw as a pillow.
In an attempt to force the four teens to assimilate into Babylon, their names were changed.
Daniel, “God is my Judge” to Belteshazzar, “Prince of Bel"
Hananiah, “Beloved of the Lord” to Shadrach: “Illumined by the Sun God”
Mishel, “Who is as God” to Meshach: “Who is like unto the Moon God”
Azariah, “The Lord is My Help” to Abednego: “Servant of Nego, a shining fire”

As the well-known story goes, King Nebuchadnezzar had a very disturbing dream and ordered his Chaldeans to interpret it. The rather crafty King would not said what the dream was thereby totally confounding his sorcerers. All "wise men" including Daniel and his three friends were to be executed unless the dream was explained. Daniel told the king that he had dreamt of a statue and the explanation of the various metals in its composition as the present and future kingdoms. As a result, Daniel was given much responsibility as were his friends.
The Chaldeans used a possible uprising within the kingdom to convince Nebuchadnezzar to erect a golden statue and require his subjects to bow down to it and confirm their loyalty to his gods. The image was 60 cubits in height and six cubits in width, an impressive 90 foot towering status.

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to bow down to any god other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The sorcerers had their opportunity and immediately reported this infraction to the King. Daniel was not present at the time, perhaps out of the area attending to the King's business. Daniel’s absence and been likened to the rapture of the Church prior to the tribulation.

I would suspect that there were two primary reasons why the Chaldeans reported Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's refusal to bow down to the Golden Image; jealousy and concern for their own credibility. Imagine four teenagers taken from a conquered land upstaging the king's sorcerers earning the king’s favor and being elevated to positions of authority. The plot by the Chaldeans failed and resulted in their execution and also the execution of their families.

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