Saturday, February 7, 2015

My whole heart is wrapped up in the private study of the Word. 540 - 3 - 4

I’m so convicted that the Word of God is just that, the Word of God that I want to study it in small Bible studies as well as in my alone time with God. I have a number of electronic gizmos and have installed Bibles on them. I go to sleep listening to the King James Version of the Bible and in the hope that the rapture will happen as I sleep. Often during the night I will wake up and think that I remember that part of the Bible and then drift off again. Asleep or awake, I can’t seem to get enough of the Word.
Unfortunately, this was not always the case as I was brought up in a conservative Protestant church. While I was in both the junior and senior choir I don’t remember ever caring a Bible into the church. Rather there was a wooden plaque with grooves near the altar where the verse of the day and page numbers of the hymns to be sung could be slipped into place. Sunday after Sunday the same format. Luckily when I was very young I had a friend whose father was a Baptist pastor so I had some exposure to the Bible. Years later and even before I started attending a Bible-based church I started to explore the Word. Now it is a consuming passion.
The Word is a wonderful gift that I seek to share with others. I try not to get annoyed by the dismissive and sometimes contemptuous attitude by those trying to marginalize the Word of God. How often I've heard/ responded to people who say the Bible is just a book written by men.
Rather than get into a no-win argument with these critics of the Bible I referred them to resources available through Koinonia House including Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, How We Got Our Bible and How to Study the Bible. I also point out that the Septuagint which was completed about 270 BC included more than 100 prophecies of the coming Messiah that Jesus fulfilled.
My goal is to be a better Christian apologist and I'm grateful to KI for the opportunity to immerse myself in the study the Bible.

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