Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Three charges brought against the Apostle Paul. 533-2 - 6 - 1

Act 24:5-6, “For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover (G2795) of sedition (G4714) among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes: Who also hath gone about to profane the temple: whom we took, and would have judged according to our law.”
Tertullus, Advocate for the Prosecution, brought three charges against Paul.
The first charge was a personal charge claiming that “he is a pestilent fellow.” G3061 – pestilent: a noun masculine and can be a plague, literally the disease, or figuratively a pest, more likely Tertullus’ opinion of Paul.
The second charge was a political charge of sedition and that Paul was leading an illegal religion, a mover of sedition. G2795 - mover: verb to stir literally or figuratively, Paul certainly could stir up people with his witness. G4714 – sedition: a noun feminine, by implication a popular uprising; figuratively controversy: - dissension, insurrection, uproar.
The third charge was a doctrinal charge that Paul was profaning the temple.
Of course the charges leveled against Paul were all false. Paul was persistence, not a pestilent fellow. Rather than an uprising, Paul created something of an uproar by preaching the Good News including the resurrection of Jesus.
As an aside, could these charges leveled against Paul by Tertullus be leveled at believers by unbelievers, the “all roads lead to God” proponents, those professing other faiths and those who are Christians in name only?
I have been verbally attack for "imposing" my Christian beliefs on others. Actually in these cases I said nothing but apparently it was just my presence perhaps augmented by the fact I wear a cross.  
Politically the cost of being a Christian is accelerating if one is pro-life and against same-sex marriage. I recall a few years ago that there was talk of returning veterans and born-again Christians being placed on a watch list by the government. If our government maintains such a list, being on it would, in my opinion, be an honor.
As for a doctrinal charge, Sola Scriptura is being marginalized by many calling themselves Christians. I have been criticized for having an elitist attitude, after all, don’t all roads lead to God. My reply is that it is not me, rather the dictates of the God before whom we will all someday stand in judgment.

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