"A War Is Coming, and it will pit Religious Christians against truly Born Again Believers in the bloodiest of battles. You don't believe? You will" reads the header for the new book by Tom Horn, "Blood on the Altar."
Hebrews 10:25, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."
In my opinion, Paul is telling the early Christians to stand firm rather than scattering and to support and encourage each other through tribulation. Hebrews 10:25 is very relevant today as we see our world spiraling out of control. Multitudes have lost their moral compass and many do what’s right in their own eyes. Those of us who take a stand for biblical values are experiencing/will experience discrimination. Paul warned the reader in Romans Chapter 1 that denying the creator would lead to homosexuality. Today even suggesting intelligent design is the kiss of death in the academic world. Businesses who refuse to provide goods for same-sex marriage couples are being taken to court.
As churches become more seeker friendly, what was considered as an acceptable standard of conduct is so yesterday. The inerrant Word of God is being marginalized in the prosperity and diversity oriented churches. Bible believing Christians are branded as intolerant.
In the first few centuries after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christians were tortured and killed by non-Christians. The members of what was then known as the Way grew exponentially often meeting in secret. As Christians faced less persecution and more acceptance to by the state, the pure message of the Gospel became entangled with paganism. Soon a ruling class of clerics arose, the Nicolaitanes; Nikao, conquer, above others and Laity, the common people. In 380 AD House churches were outlawed.
The number of Christians killed by non-Christians pales in comparison to the millions of Christians tortured and murdered by other Christians. The vast majority of killings were perpetrated by the Roman Catholic Church over centuries. The Jesuits were especially skilled in rooting out and killing those who adhered to biblical doctrine, rejected papal authority and stood firm against the many heresy of the RCC including transubstantiation. With the advent of mass communications, and with the exception of Islam, there is less obvious persecution of Bible believing Christians.
As mainstream churches deviate from the Truth I expect an exodus of Bible believing Christians. Home churches will increase and eventually face persecution. There is a movement towards a one world religion, now rather subtle, in the future...
I highly recommend CM’s commentary "The Once and Future Church Home Fellowships." CM provides a Historical Review of "The Way It All Started." The commentary also includes good suggestions for starting home study group. CM points out the many computer resources available today. I would add that the Word, Bible dictionaries and commentaries can easily be carried/ concealed on SD cards and flash drives.
It’s hard to say how much worse the decline into evil will be, however, the good news is we can look up as our redemption draws near.