Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Developing the Patience of Job

Like Job I was enjoying a good life. Unlike Job, my children are grown up; however, I have wonderful Church and Bible study friends. Unlike Job I have no wealth; however, I have enough. Unlike Job my two homes are rather humble, and I spend winters in my Arizona home and summers in Michigan. Like Job I have physical challenges as a polio survivor, at least no boils. Like Job I give God the glory.

Good life or not, for years my brother and I have waited for the other shoe to hit the floor concerning our 99 year old mother living in California. Mom is mentally sharp and gets around at home using a walker. Mom is nearly blind with just the ability to see outlines of people. Between her renter/ part-time care-giver and her twice a week care-giver mom was doing OK until last month. However, there was the ever present knowledge that I would have to eventually move in with mom. Add to that the feelings of guilt for wanting to have my own life. I know I’m lucky to still have my mom and many would give anything to have just one more day with their mothers.

The aforementioned shoe hit the floor last month. Wherever someone is needed to stay with mom 24/7 I’m it and the last time it was for seven month. I’m now looking at living at my mom’s place for as long as she can remain at home and my health holds up. Her care-giver will still be coming in twice a week so that’s a big help. Various family members have given me “Atta girls” when a little help with mom would be far more appreciated than empty platitudes. Add to that my brother has major health problems so no help there. I love my mom and am happy that she is getting stronger every day. So I keep asking God what is this all about and I keep coming back to my learning patience. I was rather aggressive when it came to work, a fact commented on by my first boss after college graduation. This carried into retirement and I started a new career, vending and online selling.

Like many others, I’ve long felt that I was to do more to bring people into the Kingdom and did too little about it. So here I am in rather morally corrupt California. My mom suggested that I start a Bible study in her park. Also, there is a Calvary Church nearby so as mom gets stronger I’ll go there. So in addition to the lesson of patience, for the foreseeable future, God is closing the door on my Arizona life and opening a window in California.

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