Thursday, February 9, 2012

How is there a devaluing of the holiness of God today?

The truth of the Bible is under attack as not being the inspired Word of God and by association, the holiness of our God! Sad enough that some think that Allah and the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are the same, now a new Bible translation that doesn’t offend Muslims. Included in the controversial development is the removal of any references to God as "Father," to Jesus as the "Son" or "the Son of God." One example of such a change can be seen in an Arabic version of the Gospel of Matthew produced and promoted by Frontiers and SIL. It changes Matthew 28:19 from this: "baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" to this: "cleanse them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.”
To quote one of the contributors to the raptureready website, “ it is quite ironic that people like Brian McLaren and Rick Warren mock the Bible’s predictive prophecy, but are mum on the Iranian eschatology.’
Then we have the diva of the New Age, Oprah Winfrey. Oprah speaks and millions listen as she promotes homosexual as normal, the liberal agenda and New Age philosophies. Oprah is leading her fans through the wide gate that leads to destruction.
Some Mormons claim they are Christians. However their theology has Jesus as the brother of Lucifer and states that as man is, god once was and as god is, man can become. Also, like the Muslims, the Mormons have their own book, “The Book of Mormon” likewise given to them by an angel and both degrade the deity of Christ Jesus. Actually, the Jesus of the Quran is reminiscent of the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation.
It’s bad enough that other religions and cults degrade the Word of God, however and in my opinion, even more unforgivable are those who claim to be Christians but deny that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The cross is being thrown out and “covered by the blood of Christ” is so politically incorrect. While some television evangelic pastors present a Bible based message, many sound like motivational speakers. Too often the sermons sound like the feel good New Age all roads lead to god false theology. How can the viewer feel good if the pastor talks about sin and that none are good enough to go to Heaven without the cross? There are those who preach that everyone will eventually be allowed into Heaven.
I have a very devoted Catholic friend who believes that we can pray people out of Purgatory. As for me, I believe that once you draw your last breath your eternal destination is determined. Hopefully those who are unsaved will repent at the end of their lives and accept the gift of grace provided by Jesus.

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