Thursday, February 9, 2012

Which fulfilled prophecies are most impressive to you?

There are so many prophecies that have been fulfilled; far more than 500 words would permit. These three were covered in the current teaching and I would agree than they are very, very impressive.
1. Ezekiel 37 and the Valley of dry bones and the rebirth of Israel
2. Isaac 53 could have been written at the foot of the cross
3. 30 pieces of silver and the potter’s field – Zechariah 11:13, Judas betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver and the same 30 pieces of silver were used to buy a potter’s field.
In anoter of Dr. Missler's teachings we studied the meanings of the names of the genealogy from Adam to Noah that told the story of the "Good News."
When King Saul had Samuel conjured up, the departed Samuel predicted that King Saul would be with him (Samuel) the next day and he was.
Psalm 22 was a nearly blow by blow description of the Crucifixion of Jesus. God could not look upon Jesus as Jesus was sin in our place. Jesus cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Often readers think that Jesus cried out because of pain. In my opinion it was because Jesus felt the emotional pain of God’s rejection. Jesus cried out to God rather than addressing God as Father or Abba as was His usual salutation.
Then there is the Book of Daniel and the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar in Chapter 2 and Daniel in Chapter 7. Both foretold of the series of four empires. When Alexander the Great entered Jerusalem, he was shown the writings of Daniel. Alexander realized that he was in the prophesy and spared the city. While not prophetic as such, the fourth man in the “Fiery Furnace” was an early incarnation of Jesus. And that Daniel could lay down with lions, a foretelling of the millennium when the lamb will lie down with the wolf. While not prophetic, the “Hand writing on the wall” written by the finger of God told of Belshazzar’s imminent death.
The birth of Jesus in Bethlehem was prophesized in Micah 5:2, “But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.”
Then there are the Seven Churches/ ages in the Revelation of Jesus. In my opinion, we are in the Laodicea Church age for the most part. There were many warnings about what to expect towards the latter days. Jude told of the coming apostasy of the church. Paul gave many warning about itchy ears. Peter warns of false prophets. These are surely fulfilled today as people listen to false prophets and distorted theology.

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