Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Write your own original Type A Proposition similar to "All human beings are Mortal," then obvert the original, convert the obversion, then obvert the resulting sentence which is the contraposition of the original sentence. I604-3-3

In my opinion, the recent election in America was a real indicator of how far into sin America has sunk. I've often say that Pres. Obama stands for the trifecta of things that God hates:

· Abortion (murder) of the unborn
· The acceptance of homosexuality by voter approval of same-sex marriage
· Throwing Israel under the bus.

The liberals ran a very divisive campaign playing the race card, the phony war on women and rich vs. the poor. The continuing mantra of the Democrats was and still is that rich do not pay their fair share of taxes. Actually the rich pay a disproportionately high percentage of the taxes collected each year. Should the entire income of the rich be taken it would only sustain our government for a short time. The problem with our country is an administration totally out of control rather than not enough taxes being collected.

A few disclaimers, I'm not sure what is considered a rich person in America today. Years ago was anyone earning over a quarter million dollars a year. I believe that it's been raised but I'm not certain to what. We hear about the 1% who have most of the money and the rest of us are the 99%. In my way of thinking, one of the great ills of America now is coveting what others have. For me, God’s love is enough.

The Democrats’ mantra

Rich American don’t pay their fair share of taxes Implied Universal Negative or Type E
To express the above in greater detail:
Rich American belong to the group of people who do not pay their fair share of taxes Original Statement Type E
No rich American belong to the group of people who pay their fair share of taxes Obverted Statement Type A
Some of the group of people who do pay their fair share of taxes are not rich Americans Converted Statement Type O
None of the group of people who pay their fair share of taxes are rich Americans.Contraposition Statement Type A

I then changed the Type A Proposition to:

All rich Americans are in the group of people who pay their fair share of taxes Original Statement Type A
No rich Americans are in the group of people who do not pay their fair share of taxes Obverted Statement Type E
The group of people who pay their fair share of taxes includes rich Americans Converted Statement Type I
Not paying their fair share of taxes is not by all rich Americans Contraposition Statement Type O
I don’t know what percentage of rich people pay what the libs call their fair share, and what do the libs pay.... In my opinion, most people pay as little in taxes as absolutely required by law. However at this point I'm calling the above my best effort and I am going back to reading more of the book, "Let us reason together: an introduction to logical thinking."

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