Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How does paganism manifest itself in our culture today? Is abortion an equivalent? 512 - 13 - 2

One only has to look on the back of a dollar bill to realize that the all-seeing Eye of Horus is above the pyramid; just one example of paganism. There seems to be little awareness of how embedded the Masonic Order is in this country with their strange and pagan rites. As it seems to be with the Mormon faith, the majority of the lower-level Masons are not so attuned to the upper echelon and their rituals. At its most perverse and highest degrees, there is a certain amount of Lucifer worship with the Masons. The Mormon prophet Joseph Smith was quoted as saying that “As man is God once was and that as God is man can become.” In his arrogance, man listens to the beguiling voice of Lucifer that you can be like God.

The gods of old, also known as mighty men of the Bible, represented a mixing of the human race with the fallen Angels. Today the approach is a less obvious as trans-humanism and the singularity point are envisioned. I can remember years ago when we discussed man-print at work. At that time, it dealt with the interface between man and equipment. Everything had to be within easy reach of the pilot in that outdated version of man-print. Today it would be more of a combining of computer and man.
But back to the mundane, money is worshiped by many and we are a very self-centered and materialistic society. Designer bags that cost thousands of dollars, cars with control panels that look like the console of a jet, homes of several thousand square feet for one or two people and the list goes on. Being a capitalist, I certainly don’t begrudge people the money they earn or how they spend it. It’s the love of money and the drive to get it at all costs that is evil.

We worship youth and marginalize the wisdom of the elderly. Our politicians take expensive vacations while much of the population lives below the poverty level.

Even some of the evangelical churches are falling by the wayside as same-sex marriage and abortion are tolerated. The abortionists Dr. Tiller, nicknamed “Dr. Tiller the baby killer”, was shot at church where he was an elder and his wife sang in the choir. This leads me the other part of the question, is there an equivalency between abortion and paganism. I would say no as that I recall that CM said that in some pagan society’s abortion was against their law. Yes, they threw newborns into the fiery furnace, but I suspect far fewer were thrown into the furnace than the 50 million or so babies that have been ripped piecemeal from their mother’s womb or subjected to caustic fluids while still in the womb. The video “The Silent Scream” was such a strong demonstration of the pain felt by the unborn that one abortionists became a pro-life advocate

Added Later:

I finally completed Tom Horn and Cris Putnam's book, "Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here." The book deals with Malachy who experienced a vision commonly called “The Prophecy of the Popes.” The prophecy is a list of Latin verses predicting each of the Roman Catholic popes from Pope Celestine II to the final pope, “Peter the Roman,” whose reign would end in the destruction of Rome. The pope following Benedict XVI is/was to be the final pontiff, Petrus Romanus or Peter the Roman.

And entered Pope Francis who seems to be golly and at ease with diversity. He has gained the love of many throughout the planet and seems to be straying from some of the long-held Catholic doctrine. Interestingly enough, Pope Francis is a Jesuit and the Jesuits have pretty much been the militant branch of the Roman Catholic Church. I am suspicious of the Vatican that has long lusted for control of Jerusalem. These are indeed interesting days in which we are living.

The book also deals with the history of the Roman Catholic Church and the Papacy. Like the Davidic dynasty, there've been a few good popes, but most of them have been horrible. And of course, the Catholic Church does seem to incorporate many pagan rituals, including the worship of icons in their doctrine of transubstantiation. Just in magic rituals in which one is to call down the powers of the directions and/or the pagan gods, the Catholic priest supposedly calls down the real body and blood of Jesus. In my opinion, paganism on steroids.

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