Thursday, July 10, 2014

God Using the object of sinful desire the instrument of punishment 521 - 11 - 6

Originally post 7-21-13 

God often made the object of sinful desire the instrument of punishment. I have actually observed this concept in action in the lives of people close to you.

I remember a few decades ago when a strange and horrible disease begin to surface in the United States and around the world. Finally, it was determined that patient one was an international male flight attendant. Aids was this new and vicious disease. There has been so much spin concerning the disease of aids and it's become a kind of the poster child of the Hollywood elite. This is possibly because a number of the Hollywood elite are gay and/or have gay friends. Actually, homosexuality is anything but a gay lifestyle. I don't recall the exact statistics but I've read that there is a fairly high incident of murder, robbery and physical abuse incurred by those in the gay community.

I was living in California when there was an effort was made to close down the bathhouses. It was thought that aids was spread in these bathhouses due to the occurrence of extensive homosexual encounters. This was met with extreme opposition and was considered a violation of the right of men to meet in a public place.

Aids was also spread by the sharing of needles by drug addicts. In the book of Joel judgment was coming upon Israel for her extreme drunkenness, another form of drug addiction.

Regardless of how popular opinion tries to put lipstick and on this horrible disease, it was and is prevalent due to sex between men. With time aids has, spread to the heterosexual community perhaps originating with bisexuals. Also, originally the horrible disease was passed onto innocent babies as well as to those receiving tainted blood transfusions. Due to improved testing I understand that this is no longer the case.

God could not have been more direct in his opposition to sexual liaisons between members of the same sex. Leviticus 18:22, “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”

Today same sex marriage is being promoted as a civil right and spun as a normal life-style. We are told to love the sinner but hate the sin. It is very difficult to love those of the homosexual community who push their agenda and corrupt the minds of innocent children.

As for me, years ago I had a cousin who died of aids at a rather early age. I have since talked to his sister about this and she told me that he came to Christ at an early age. Perhaps he was taken before his sin could become too great as was the case with Ananias and Sapphira.

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