Saturday, August 13, 2011


I try to bring a little bit of Christian thought into an eBay chat room that seem to be to be rather anti-Christian.  This is a typical posting I made 8/13/2011.
I'm not ignoring you strange, we've had off and on thunderstorms here in SW Michigan. Years ago I blew a mother board likely due to a slow power outage. The lights turned yellow in intensity before going out. The tech thought this did the job on my motherboard. So at the first sign of a thunderstorm I take my computer off the grip.

Luckily my Nextbook has a long battery and plays MP3 in addition to lots of other goodies. So during the latest round of storms I listened to one of Chuck Missler's teaching on the Book of Geneses, good information.

As for Jesus talking about the least of these, I wonder who is meant by the least of these. Jesus mentions my brethren so is He talking about our treatment of the Jewish people, if so we're in deep trouble IMO. Jesus said to help widows and orphans and of course He healed the blind, lame, etc. In Jesus' day woman were a rather second class. Today many widow either have their own work history or can draw on their late husband's benefits. I think orphans are more or less cared for in this country. Now was Jesus talking about people who will not take responsibility for themselves and/or their childred? As for me, I prefer to support faith based organizations who help people who are in great need, need for clean drinking water, netting to prevent malaria, etc.

Since there is so much interest in the Matthew 25  I'll try to start a thread.

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