Sunday, March 25, 2012

Why was the crucifixion NOT a tragedy but an accomplishment? BIB501-2-1-2

The crucifixion was an accomplishment as it was a fulfillment of many prophecies, paid for our (my) sins so that we (I) can stand before God, offers salvation through grace and more. The Resurrection and Ascension confirm that life doesn’t end at the grave, that a home is waiting for us beyond our imagining and most important, we’ll be in the presence of Jesus. The resurrection of Jesus is a source of conform for those who have lost a loved one and for those about to pass into eternity. To think that someday we’ll be with Jesus in a body free of pain is beyond words. The Crucifixion was prophesied in the Old Testament many times. That the crucifixion happened as prophesied substantiates the Bible as the inspirited Word of God. I’ve heard it said that it wasn’t the nails that held Jesus to the cross; it was His love for us. A few of the prophetic verses from the Old Testament that were fulfilled include:

· Psalm 22, could have been dictated from the cross.

· Isaiah 53 was so accurate that opponents tried to post-date it
· Daniel 9:26 “And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself…”
· Zechariah 11:12 “And I said unto them, If ye think good, give me my price; and if not, forbear. So they weighed for my price thirty pieces of silver. 13And the LORD said unto me, Cast it unto the potter: a goodly price that I was prised at of them. And I took the thirty pieces of silver, and cast them to the potter in the house of the LORD.”

That Jesus would remain in the tomb for three days was prophesied by Jonah’s three days in the whale. At an early age I wondered how Jesus could have been crucified on Good Friday and His resurrection take place in less than two 24 hour days. Several years ago I read that Jesus was likely crucified on Wednesday and arose on the Shabbat. This is far more logical as that would mean that Jesus was in the tomb Wednesday, Thursday and Friday nights. By deliberately incorrectly dating the crucifixion and resurrection the church was attempting to distance the Crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus from the Jewish Passover. Even at that early a date, anti-Semitism was being promoted by the church.

God stepped out of eternity to become a man. After two thousand years Jesus remains the most important man ever; He was, He is and He will forever be. We are so blessed!

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