Thursday, July 26, 2012

Discuss examples where "God always does the seeking" in the Bible and in your personal life.BIB502-1- 09-2

To quote Dr. Missler, “God Always Does the Seeking.” Here are a few examples he provided.
Adam joined his bride in that fateful bite of the Apple and they hid from God because they were naked. Of course God knew this and sought them out and provided them with clothing made from animal skins. God taught them the lesson that sin must be covered by blood.
Abraham was called by God and told to take his family to a new land. Abraham finally obeyed but not until his father had passed away.
I always thought Jacob got a bad rap. Actually he just outsmarted his older, more materialistic brother. Jacob was called by God and given the name Israel.
Moses was raised in luxury but fled after killing a man. God called Moses to bring His people out of Egypt.
I was raised in a conservative Protestant church from a preschooler through high school. However, thanks to a good friend, I was also exposed to the local Baptist Church. While in college and married, I joined my husband’s church, the Episcopal Church. The Episcopal Church has beautiful rituals with the priest in colorful regalia, however, little actual study of the Bible. Like the Catholic Church, the Episcopal Church has lots of rote recitations.
After college and the mother of two I started to drift away from church and year’s later I skirted the New Age movement. The simple message of Jesus was too straightforward for this technically educated person who was employed for years in rather technical fields. I dated one man who was very much into Eastern religions. I watched a VCR of Siri Baba manifesting gold dust and gold teeth in his devotees’ mouths. I’m repeating myself from past DQs, however, I feel so strongly about why I was allowed to circle the New Age drain. This equipped me to be more discerning and stronger in my Christian walk in my later life. Two of my best friends occasionally attend Patricia King’s seminars. I watched a few Cd's that they had brought back from the seminars. I told him this was old stuff and that Siri Baba was manifesting gold dust decades ago, that it was nothing but recycled New Age apostasy. Thankfully, we're still good friends and they are fans of Dr. Missler and his teachings.
When I went through full immersion baptism about five years ago I made the statement that Jesus never let go of my hand through all those years. Jesus not only sought me out; I belonged to him and he was not about to let me go. Jesus tells us in John 15:16, “Ye have not chosen me, I have chosen you” and He also said in John 10:27, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.” I know from firsthand experience that once you belong to Jesus he just will not let you go, thank you Jesus!

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