For eons it was pretty much assumed that the antichrist would come out of the Roman Empire and would be represented by the western leg of Nebakanezer's statue. While there have been many Roman Popes who certainly display characteristics of an antichrist, most notably Pope Innocence III, in my opinion he will be a Gentile of the Islam faith from of the eastern part of the empire. I base this in part on the fact that beheading is a favorite form of execution by the Muslims and is certainly referred to often enough in the book of Revelation. Add to that, it is my belief that the Quran was inspired by Lucifer himself going by the moniker of Allah. Allahu Akbar" means "Allah is greater" so greater than whom? Lucifer continuously tried to raise his throne above that of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Satan will form an unholy Trinity with the two beasts of Revelation 13. Satan will be the unholy father, the antichrist the unholy son and the false prophet the unholy Holy Spirit. This unholy trinity will surface after the Rapture. Many of those “left behind” will be blinded and follow the antichrist. Those who come to faith during the tribulation will likely be beheaded as the antichrist will have the power to overcomes the Saints.
The antichrist is the “Beast out of the Sea” and the false prophet is the “Beast out of the Earth.” The sea refers to the gentiles’ and the earth refers to the Jews. The antichrist will be a minion of Satan for the first 3 1/2 years of the tribulation and then during the great tribulation will actually be indwelled by Satan. The false prophet will have demonic power to call down fire, perform wonders and miracles and will cause the Earth-Dwellers to worship the antichrist.
The earth dwellers will be those not written in the Book of Life. Without the protection of Christ, the earth dwellers will “receive mark in right hands or foreheads” as “no man may buy or sell without the name or number of the Beast: 666.” Those taking the mark of the mark of the beast will be condemned to the lake of fire for an eternity.