Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Small Study Groups or Church? E501 - 4 - 2

This is a favorite topic with me and I have written on it a number of times.

I much prefer being in a small group to attending a regular church service:
•           Members of a small group seems to me to bond with each other
•           The group can get into a very in depth Bible study
•           Members of small groups can be very supportive of each other
•           There doesn't seem to be the clicks in a small group that I too often find in church
•           No church politics
•           Everyone is involved in the discussion unlike in a church setting
Winters I spend in Quartzsite, Arizona and for several years I attended a Bible study held in a private home.  It was a fairly small group of about 14 to 18 people.  We sat around the room and look directly at each other.  Perhaps it was too successful as it was moved to the church with the result that we were then sitting in pews facing the front.  We had more people attending, however, it seem more like another sermon rather than the give and take of a small group.
My favorite Bible study is a small group meeting at a camping site in the desert in a 10’ x 20’ tent.  Arizona gets a lot of “winter visitors” so the group starts out small in the fall and grows through the winter.  Our leader prepares thoroughly and has references and more references. We are encouraged to join in.
Summers I’m in NE Arizona and not currently active in a church or a Bible study, however, last Sunday I attended a local Bible study and was invited back. The study seems on the surface to be aimed at getting members to participate in church activities. It’s not a great fit but I’ll attend until I return to my winter home.
To me characteristics of a successful Bible study include:
•           Staying small or splitting into more than one group
•           An informal setting
•           Staying on topic
•           Leaders who are well prepared and gently controls the flow of the meeting
The disadvantages of a small group include:
•           One person monopolizing the discussion
•           The discussion can “fall into a rabbit hole”
•           Differences of opinions can get out of control and cause hard feelings
•           Some participants seem to be there mostly to find fault with Christianity
•           Some participants seem to be there mostly to bloviate
•           City ordinance such as parking can be used against the group
IMO, we are headed into/ already in the persecution of the Church, capitol C. We who hold to the Word of God will become more disliked as the unbelievers sink further either into sin or into false doctrine. Eventually I expect we will be forced to meet in private homes. The small groups established now will be our life-line in the days before the return of Jesus for His Church.

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