Was it the Roman Catholic Church and who was/is responsible at least in part for the heresy of Replacement Theology? Was it the Reformers who never completed the Reformation thereby allowing Replacement Theology to creep into the Protestant churches?
What of the concordats between the Roman Catholic Church and Adolf Hitler and Mussolini? By these agreements the church was not to interfere with the state and vice a versa. Pius XII earned the less than desirable title of “Hitler’s Pope.” The Roman Catholic Church has attempted to redact history, however, there are many, many pictures available demonstrating a very cozy relationship. Redacted or not, the Roman Catholic Church still suffers from the stigmatism of standing by as millions were marched into gas chambers. That said, we here in the United States were largely guilty of the same lack of action.
Many church leaders have a rather weak Hermeneutics leading them to claim that the Everlasting Covenant God made with Israel has passed to the church though Replacement Theology:
1. Israel forfeited her promises when she rejected her Messiah
2. The promises to Abraham passed to the Church
3. All the Old Testament covenants were conditional
Replacement theology is a heresy that attempts to provide credibility to the demand that Israel give up her God given land. As an aside, Israel has little land today about 1/10 of 1% of the land mass of her neighbors. And yet Israel is under great pressure to give up land. Every time Israel gives up land rather than peace it brings the rocket launchers closer to their cities and brings disasters to the United States. As the United States pushed Israel to leave the Gaza Strip, we were rewarded with hurricane Katrina. As people were displaced in Israel, they were displaced in New Orleans.
There is the group called “Christ at the Checkpoint.” The first point of their manifesto is, “1.The Kingdom of God has come. Evangelicals must reclaim the prophetic role in bringing peace, justice and reconciliation in Palestine and Israel.”
Someday will all stand in judgment and will have to answer for our sins. Those in leadership positions in the churches that denigrate Israel, undercut them as a nation and push Israel to give up their God given land will, in my opinion, be held far more accountable than any of the laity.