Saturday, December 19, 2015

“The Harbinger” by Jonathan Cahn revisited 519-1 - 4 - 7

Isaiah 9:10, “The bricks are fallen down, but we will build with hewn stones: the sycamores are cut down, but we will change them into cedars.” [KJV]
Jonathan Cahn wrote a best seller titled “The Harbinger: The ancient mystery that holds the secret of America's future” released 2011-09-03. The book compares the reaction of Northern Kingdom to the first invasion of the land by the Assyrians to that of the United States after 911. Neither the Northern Kingdom nor the United States repented their sins and with great defiance stated that they would rebuild even better.
As it was in the Northern Kingdom thousands of years ago so it is today in the US, defiance rather than repentance. The day after 9/11 Senate Majority Leader, Tom Daschle in a statement concerning a 'Joint Resolution of Condemnation for the September 11, 2001 stated the following: “But there is a passage in the Bible from Isaiah that I think speaks to all of us at times such as this: 'The bricks have fallen down, but we will rebuild with dressed stone; the fig trees have been felled, but we will replace them with cedars.'” [The Harbinger page 117]
New York City Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani and New York State Governor, George E. Pataki said much the same; Major Giuliani after the attack and Governor Pataki when dedicating the building of the "Freedom Tower" on the 4th of July 2004. [The Harbinger page 62]
When he was the Democratic Candidate for Vice President John Edwards spoke the same verse while at a prayer breakfast. Again, no repentance and Senator Edwards careen was later destroyed. []
There is a message for America In the book the Harbinger. We started out as a very God centered and blessed country. We have mastered the trifecta of evil, abortion on demand, same-sex marriage and throwing Israel under the bus. God is dropping/ has dropped His hedge of protection from America. It is my prayer that it is not too late to salvage our country.
As an aside, three years ago I wrote a Sorites for an Issachar course based on Jonathan Cahn’s book and Isaiah 9:10.
Israel (Northern Kingdom) worships idols and is warned by the prophets
The prophets are ignored by an Israel who does not have ears to hear
An Israel without ears to hear is defeated by the Assyrians
A defeated Israel is a defiance Israel
A defiance Israel says we will rebuild
A rebuilt Israel fall falls again never to again be a nation.
America has/ is replicating the defiance of the Northern Kingdom. We have turned away from God and made idols of our celebrities, bigger homes and such. So another Sorites intentionally left open-ended.
We in America are to live by God’s commandments
The Commandments are ignored by a defiance America
A defiance America watches as her towers fall
The fallen towers inspire the still defiant America
An inspired defiant America has defiant leaders
Defiant leaders vow we will rebuild America
A rebuild America experiences an economic collapse in 2008
An economic collapse in 2008 results in major political changes
Major political changes give power to a very liberal administration
A liberal administration encourages a dependent, immoral society
A dependent, immoral society votes for four more years of the same liberal agenda

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