With thanks to CM, Eschatology is the “Study of the Last Things.” [Or, for many, it is “the Last Thing Studied.”] It is the nemesis of many pastors since it also requires a comprehensive grasp of the “whole counsel of God.” And, as a result, our “myths of eschatology” might as well be labeled “pitfalls in eschatology.”
According to Google eschatology is the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind. Wow, little wonder that it is the nemesis of many pastors. An attention getter but likely does not appeal to those who have itchy ears.
Also according to Google, ecclesiology is:
1. The study of churches, especially church building and decoration.
2. Theology as applied to the nature and structure of the Christian Church.
The study of church building holds no interest for me. During His three and a half years earthly ministry Jesus walked in sandals and homespun and turned the world upside down. The last time I attended church with my family several years ago it was Christmas eve day at a Catholic Church in Palm Desert, California. As I watched the regalia of the priest and the ornate decorations and rote rituals all I felt was a pervasive feeling of depression rather than exultation.
Give me a Bible study any day with born again Christians, the real Church.
As regards the link between eschatology and ecclesiology, in my experience, only those who are part of the Church have a real interest in exploring the last things. The Christians in name only and many claiming no Christian affiliation are picking up on things just being out of place. The New Agers are heavily invested in planet X and evolving to a higher dimension once those pesky born-again Christians are not around to hold them back.
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