Sunday, October 16, 2016

The Great Commission - Our Responsibility 503 - 1

As an aside, reconciliation is also an accounting term…..

Jesus told the disciples that all authority has been given to him in heaven and earth and told them to go forth making disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the father and the son and the Holy Spirit teaching them to observe all things that Jesus commanded of them. Further, they would receive the power of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost.
It's my belief that my responsibility is to expose people to the good news and then let the Holy Spirit convict them.

In my opinion, among the most difficult to witness to are those who claim to be Christians while adhering two non-biblical Doctrine such as the Book of Mormon or the Christian Science monitor.

My goal is to become a better Christian apologist while avoiding becoming a Christian Chihuahua as described by J. Wallace in his article “How Not to Become a Christian Chihuahua.”

I witnessed just this several years ago when one friend told another friend he was going to go to hell because of his New Age beliefs. For two years I'd been trying to find common ground with my New Ager friend. Now he was totally turned off by the mere mention of Christianity due largely to my Christian friend, a Christian Chihuahua.

My presuppositions before starting this course was that so many born-again Christians really hang together rather than going out and exposing themselves to possible ridicule. As for me, I pretty much hide behind the Internet and use both Facebook and a block to witness.

According to Ron, the Evangelist is a preacher of the Gospel sharing the Good News. There is a great responsibility as we may be the only was an unbeliever will hear the Gospel.

When I was enrolled in Ezekiel Part 1 CM listed Four Cases of Blood Accountability, Ezekiel Chapter 3:
1. The habitual sinner who is not warned v.18
2. The sinner who is warned but does not repent v.19
3. The righteous man who apostatizes but is not warned v.20
4. The righteous man who is warned and remains righteous v.21

It is my responsibility to warn the sinner. Like Ezekiel we are held accountable by God to deliver God's message, however, we are not held accountable for its success or failure. Again, it is for the Holy Spirit to do the convicting. 

I am an ambassador for God and as such I will be judged by my behavior. I am very mindful that my missteps can be a stumbling block for both the unbeliever and the new believer. I’m an ambassador in a foreign land, I am in this world but not of. I am only passing through on my way to my eternal home.

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