Saturday, January 28, 2017

What are land tides? What would a near pass-by with Mars likely do? 507 - 6 - 2

Land tides, also called Earth tides, are very small deformations or movements in the Earth's lithosphere (surface) caused by the gravitational fields of the sun and moon as the Earth rotates within their fields.
Mars has an equatorial diameter of 6,787 km compared to Earth's 12,756 km (km=.62 miles). Mars has slightly more than 10% of the mass and nearly 40% the gravity of earth.
By comparison, the Moon has approximately 1/4 Earth's diameter, 1/50 Earth's volume, and 1/80 Earth's mass.
Every two years, the Earth passes Mars as they orbit around the Sun, which causes it to appear like it is slowing down and moving in reverse in the sky (aka. “retrograde motion”). Credit: NASA
When Earth and Mars reach their closest point, this is known as opposition. Per “The last known closest approach was back in 2003, when Earth and Mars were only 56 million km (or 33.9 million miles) apart. And this was the closest they’d been in 50,000 years.” As for the moon, the Orbital distance is 238,855 miles (384,400 km), the Circumference is 6,784 miles (10,917 km) and Orbital period is 27.32 days.
That same year CM wrote a very informative article, Mysteries of Mars: Mars Getting Closer to Earth
 “Why did so many of the early cultures worship the Planet Mars? They were terrified of this strange planet. It was called the "God of War." Why? (The term "martial arts" is still in our working vocabulary.) And there are other mysteries that seem to be associated with this strange planet.”
The Long Day of Joshua
“The recent insights from celestial mechanics, including orbital resonance, may shed new light on the famous Biblical Battle of Beth-Horon (Joshua Chapter 10) and suggest the possibility that the Planet Mars may have been a fearsome participant. Implications on ancient calendars and other events are also addressed.”
[Signs in the Heavens commentary by CM]
Given the 1 to 8 ratios of the moon to Mars I would expect that a very near past would nearly turn the earth upside down with earthquakes, possible polar shift, ripping off parts on the earth and more. However, and in my opinion, this was a one time phenomenon planned eons before by God to provide for the long day of Joshua. However, during the “Time of Jacob….” 
As an aside, the doomsday drums have been beating for years. An interesting scenario was presented by the History Channel last year. “There are twice as many rogue planets as stars in the galaxy. So what might happen if a ringed planet the size of Neptune were on a collision course with Earth? Within a period of just four hours, as people flee in panic, the gravity from the rogue planet would tear apart the Moon, stir up supersonic winds, trigger every earthquake fault and volcano, and finally pull the Earth to pieces.”
[10 Ways the Earth will End, History Channel]
Currently there is near hysteria by some due to what they expect will be a close encounter with planet X.
“The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object will collide with or closely pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected by astronomers and planetary scientists as pseudoscience and an Internet hoax.”

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