Saturday, January 18, 2020

More posts to follow, Prophecy Watchers October 2019 Watchers Conference

Off and on, well more on than off, I've been on a 3 day binge of watching the DVD's I received from Prophecy Watchers from their October 2019 Watchers Conference dealing with "Encouraging one another as you see the day approaching."

As for what the day is, is it the "Day of the Lord" referred to 29 times in the KJV of the Bible in both the old and New Testament? Thankfully the believing Church (capital C) will be caught up before that terrible time. 

The Day of the Lord is a subject I have written on several times including this from five plus years ago:

I believe the 2016 election of Donald Trump was a chance to get it right.

1 comment:

  1. Boy did I drop the ball on this one, after months of election mourning and a lengthy case of bronchitis, back at it.
