Another of my musings from outside the box. We all know about the fall in Chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis. The serpent appealed to Eve's pride, her desire to become as God. She took one little bite of the forbidden fruit and offered it to Adam, Adam who ate knowing the penalty. Eyes now opened, Adam and Eve realized they were naked. Typical of humans they tried to cover their sin with figleaves. God had another plan and provided them with animal skins, a foreshadowing of God's requirement of a blood sacrifice for sin. Thousands of years later it would be Jesus who was our propitiation.
But back to my musings. What if Adam stayed in Eden rather than taking a bite out of the "apple." What would happen to Eve after being forced out of Eden. Without Adam would Eve have fallen to such a lowly and lost state that she would have accepted Satan as her god? Would Eve have become the bride of Satan and created a race of fallen angels?
Would God have created another bride for Adam and would they be restricted to an area in Eden guarded by cherubim? Would such a restriction mean the planet would not be populated by the race descending from Adam and his second wife?
Cherubim were posted at the entrance to Eden to keep Eve out and away from the Tree of Life. Would Eve be able to see past the cherubim and see her husband Adam with a new bride? Satan uses the eyes is a portal to man or in this hypothetical case Eve. Would she become jealous and seek to aid Satan in his battle against God?
God uses hearing as the portal to man, again in this case, Eve. Perhaps Eve would remember enough of her conversations with God in the Garden to resist Satan out in that cold lonely and hostile world. Would she unite with God in defeating Satan and eventually redeem herself in the eyes of God? Would God provide Eve with a husband? Would we then decend from Eve and her second husband.
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