Tuesday, January 10, 2012

How is our nation today "post-Christian?

In my continuing studies with the Koinonia Institute, here is my answer to the question, How is our nation today "post-Christian?

God was thrown out of our schools two generations ago and has been and is under constant attack. Grace such as the salvation provided by Jesus is being given something we don’t deserve. Mercy is not getting something we do deserve. How long will God’s patience continue, how long will He continue to show us mercy? America was founded mostly by men of faith, a fact that is being denied today even by many in high office. Perhaps believers who are working to restore faith in America are helping to postpone God’s final judgment on America. As an example, through his website WallBuilders, David Barton presents the truth of America being founded on Christian principals.

Are we in the United States so far removed from the worship of Baal? How much blood of the innocent unborn has been shed on the “alter of a woman’s right to her body”? It seems that anything goes today in our hedonist society. Homosexuality is promoted as normal as is same sex marriage. Can the abomination promoted by NAMBLA, North American Boy/Man Love Association, be next to be considered normal? Individual sin is individual sin, however, when we as a country approve of it, we are all guilty. For now perhaps God is showing mercy to us as he did in Sodom; God would not destroy Sodom until Lot and his family were removed. However, given the state of our economy, etc, it seems to me that we are coming under the judgment of God.

And our churches, so many are becoming politically correct places of entertainment. Are we now the Lukewarm Church of Laodicea? Sin often is not acknowledged in many of these “feel good”, all paths lead to God, prosperity oriented churches. Chrislam is being promoted by some mega-church leaders. Some even support the false claim that the god of Islam, Allah, is the same as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. As an aside, the so-called Jesus of the Quran most resembles the False Prophet of the Book of Revelation.

Then there is our pulling away from Israel and pushing her to give up more of the little land she has. Have we forgotten God’s promise in Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

Believers such as Tim Tebow are ridiculed for kneeling and giving thanks to God on the football field. As predicted would happen as we approach the “End Days”, good is being called bad and bad is being called good. So yes, in my opinion we are mostly a “post Christian” nation, however, God is in control. With evil running rampant in our country, revival is needed and still possible. Or, perhaps the Rapture of the Church will happen soon.
Revelation 22: 20 He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.

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