Monday, December 2, 2013

How can “toleration” lead to a nation’s downfall? 512 - 8 - 3

The 1950s in America was a time of recovery from World War II and involvement in the war with North Korea. There was a rush to suburbia by the more affluent city dwellers and perhaps the start/ acceleration of the deterioration of the inner-city. This was a time in which we started to address the problems of racial inequality. I can remember the heady days of the civil rights movement and the goose bumps I would get when hearing Martin Luther King’s speech ”I have a dream.”

It often seems in this country that we can’t find a happy medium, rather the pendulum swings violently the other way. The current president of the United States (POTUS) has a black father and a white mother. To criticize the POTUS as being incompetent or deliberately undermining the United States is to be a racist. It seems that most in the media avoid any real balanced reporting of the news. Black on black crime is a tremendous problem in this country and is mostly ignored by the media; ignored but with explosive potential. Also ignored is a discussion of taking personal responsibility rather than blaming others; those in Washington DC being a prime example.

It seems that today nearly everything is tolerated with the exception of Christianity and common decency. The destruction of 50 million or more unborn babies was done in the name of a woman’s right to choose. Those unborn babies were never offered a choice and were sacrificed on the altar of tolerance.

Homosexuality is being promoted as a natural lifestyle. Children are being indoctrinated at an early age and Christian business owners are told they have to provide services to the homosexual community. A reading of Romans Chapter 1 provides insight into why homosexuality is so prevalent throughout the planet.

Even some evangelical groups are promoting a two state solution and suggesting a division of Jerusalem. Recently our administration has been courting Iran and promoting a reduction in the sanctions against that country. We are leaving Israel out to dry. This is being supposedly being done in the name of tolerance and diversity. However, in my opinion it is the work of the devil and his minions.

IMO, tolerance today goes hand-in-hand with anything goes except:
  • Children playing cowboys and Indians
  • Prayer in school
  • Having a Bible and sharing the Word in some locations such as a public school
  • Marriage being between one man and one woman
In the name of tolerance we have lost our moral compass and are inviting the wrath of God.

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