God owns everything including the land He gave to His chosen people!
In Genesis 15 God instructed Abram to construct an offering and then caused Abram to enter a deep sleep. God foretold of the time that the Israelite's would be strangers in a land not theirs. When they would come out of this time of enslavement they would be given an unconditional title to land as described in verses 18 through 21. This was a unilateral land covenant granted to Abram and his descendants.
Fast forward to the 20th Century. As result of the Balfour Declaration of 1917 a considerable amount of land was set aside for a Jewish Palestinian homeland. In 1923 the British took 75% of this land to form the Arab Palestinian Nation of Trans-Jordan. I remember studying world history in high school and hearing the expression that for centuries the sun never set on the British Empire. Perhaps it was their treatment of Israel as now the sun now sets on the British Empire.
On to the 21th Century. President Obama has taken the position that Israel should return to the 1967 lines leaving Israel with nearly indefensible borders. Of course, Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu refused spoiling Obama’s hope for the legacy of being a peace maker. This only intensified the hatred that Obama has for Israel.
We may never know how thoroughly involved the Obama administration was in bringing United Nations Resolution 2334 to a vote. Originally it was to be proposed by Egypt but President-elect Trump personally and successfully intervened to keep it from coming up for a vote. However, four other countries on the Security Council, Malaysia, New Zealand, Senegal, and Venezuela "snatched the resolution away from Egypt" and put it up for a vote Friday, December 23, and Obama attained his revenge on Israel.
"Defying extraordinary pressure from President-elect Donald J. Trump and furious lobbying by Israel, the Obama administration on Friday allowed the United Nations Security Council to adopt a resolution that condemned Israeli settlement construction."
"UN Resolution 2334, which passed on December 23, says the settlement enterprise “has no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law” and calls for a complete end to all construction in areas Israel captured after the 1967 Six Day War."
To add insult to injury, December 28 Secretary of State John Kerry bloviated for 70 minutes about his vision for peace between Israel and the Palestinians. Kerry stated that Israel could either be Jewish or she could be a democracy but not both. You think?
My prayer is that after President-elect Trump becomes president he'll find some way to reverse UN resolution 2334, however unlikely.
Unfortunately, Obama still has three weeks to create a disaster for Israel. There is to be a 70 Nations Meeting January 15, 2017 to possibly “Part the Land of Israel!” What the world seems to be forgetting is that God protects the apple of His eye. Hopefully it is not too late to counter this nefarious plan of splitting Israel. God will not be mocked in his hand cannot will not be stayed forever.
Added later:
Just as Joshua had to lead his people into battle, today Israel has to battle to protect her tiny bit of land, a land much smaller than that given her by God.
Added later:
Just as Joshua had to lead his people into battle, today Israel has to battle to protect her tiny bit of land, a land much smaller than that given her by God.
“To ensure that there is no doubt about the land’s boundaries, Scripture also indicates the different groups of people that occupy it: "...the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites.” We know that these peoples lived in what is today Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, part of Asian Turkey, and of course all of Israel, including Gaza and the West Bank.”