Saturday, April 16, 2016

The doctrine of Imminence and its impact my life 537 - 5 - 5

The doctrine of Imminence impacts my life with great expectations and interesting Bible study discussions. So is it's a Pre-Tribulation, Mid- Tribulation or Post-Tribulation Rapture? Perhaps a pan-Tribulation, it will all pan out in the end.
Matthew 25:13, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh." Good advise I try to follow.
The Doctrine of Imminence deals with “next expectation.” According to “The Doctrine of Imminence” we can expect Jesus at any moment; there is nothing more required for the Rapture of the Church to occur. The Jewish Wedding is analogous to what will happen in the lead up to the rapture. Jesus, the bridegroom, ascended into his father's house to prepare a place for his bride, the Church, just as was done in biblical time.
Jesus told The Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25. At the midnight cry the five foolish virgins discover that they didn’t have oil for their lamps and rushed out to buy some. Unfortunately for them when the bridegroom arrived they shopping. The five virgins who were ready with oil went in with him to the wedding banquet “and the door was shut.” Just as the bride was to be ready as the bridegroom could come at any time, the Church should eagerly anticipate the coming of Jesus for his Church. Part of waiting on the Lord to call us home is to be as righteous as humanly possible befitting the bride of Christ.
Then there is Revelation 12:5-6. Here we read that the woman “gave birth to a son who was to rule all nations with an iron rod. And her child was snatched away from the dragon and was caught up to God and to his throne.” The woman then fled into the wilderness to a place of safety (Petra) for the duration of 1,260 days, the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble.” The woman is the remnant of Israel fleeing the Antichrist mid-tribulation when he is totally indwelled by Satan and breaks the seven year covenant with Israel after three and a half years.
The Son of the woman/Israel is Jesus. Is His ascension to the Father is a representation the Church with Jesus as the Head the Church as the body. Does this imply a mid-tribulation rapture which goes against The Doctrine of Imminence? Or does a mid-Tribulation really go against The Doctrine of Imminence?

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