I would equate the prohibition in the Old Testament again intermarrying to being unequally yoked today. As a born again Christian I cannot imagine being married to any other than a man who has an equal hunger for God and His Word.
The man that I have been more or less dating for some time had a Christian upbringing but has neither the hunger for knowing Jesus nor the hunger for studying the Bible that I have. A really great guy but I know that if I should marry him we would be unequally yoked.
Last week I was in my summer shop and business was very slow. A man probably close in age to me came in and we got into a very interesting discussion. He is post-tribulation Rapture and I'm somewhere between pre and mid-tribulation. It was great having an animated conversation with a fellow believer who has a thirst for Biblical knowledge. It goes without saying that he's happily married and doesn't have a Christian brother for me. Comparing my reaction to these two men I can understand how painful it would be to be unequally yoked.
In the time of Numbers, the saga of the prophet Balaam demonstrated how successful Bakak was in corrupting Israel with foreign wives who brought with them their pagan deities thereby weakening Israel spiritually.
King Solomon is an interesting study in being unequally yoked. As a youth the name given to him by the prophet Nathan was Jedidiah, which means “beloved of the Lord.” It would seem that he was loved by the Lord as he was given so much. As a very young man Solomon ascended to his father’s throne and asked God for wisdom. A very auspicious start to his reign.
Solomon authored parts of the Word including many of the Proverbs, nevertheless, there were several that he failed to keep. For example, Proverbs 2:16, “To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words.” Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines many of whom lead him willingly down the path of idolatry. 1 Kings 11:3, "And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart."
Hosea was certainly unequally yoked with the woman/ harlot chosen by God to be his wife. Also of interest is the original names of his children. God’s promised was after national repentance there would be a restoration as evidence by the final names given by God to Hosea's children.
Today in United States are believers being unequally yoked with the apostate "Christians?" What of family? When I referred to the priest at the Catholic church my mom attended as Dr. rather than father I was criticized by family members. Unfortunately I could not remember the exact quote by Jesus found in Matthew 23:9.
The once true church is becoming more unequally yoked with the worldly church. The prosperity preachers draw memberships in the thousands with their message that tickle the ear of their congregation. National repentance is sorely needed.
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