This seemed to be a reasonably simple DQ to answer drawing on PDFs such as 1 & 2 Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah, Daniel and Romans. The more I dug into the various time lines, the more convoluted it became so this represents my sadly lacking but best effort.
All dates B.C.
721 Israel defeated by Assyria; northern tribes exiled.
607 Pharaoh Neco of Egypt defeated by Nebuchadnezzar at the Battle of Carchemish.
606 1st siege of Jerusalem by Babylon. The Temple items were plundered by Nebuchadnezzar and kept in a museum in Babylon. Daniel and his three friends are taken captive to Babylon; Jehoikim rules as vassal king rules. This begins 70-year “Servitude of the Nation” to the day. (2 Kgs 24:2; Dan 1:1).
602 Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream of the image which Daniel interprets granting him a position of authority
597 2nd siege of Jerusalem by Babylon; 10,000 deported including Ezekiel
Leading up to the second siege Vassal King Jehoikim ignores Jeremiah’s counsel to submit to God’s judgment and rebels. Jehoikim dies and his son, Jehiachin/ Jeconiah” (Blood curse) reigns until the siege is over. Jeconiah is captured along with 10,000 captives, including Ezekiel. Jeconiah’s uncle Zedekiah was installed as vassal at Jerusalem.
587 Zedekiah ignores Jeremiah’s and Ezekiel’s warnings and rebels resulting in the 3rd siege of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple and the city by King Nebuchadnezzar. This begins 70-year “Desolations of Jerusalem”
556 Daniel’s vision of the 4 beasts.
554 Daniel’s Ram and He-goat vision
539 King Belshazzar was disrespectful of the golden vessels taken from the temple and thus the famous Hand writing on the wall appeared. The Persian Empire conquered Babylon without a battle. Daniel showed Cyrus (538–530) God’s letter to Cyrus detailed in Isaiah 44.
538 Daniel’s Vision of seventy weeks
538 The first return was led by Zerubbabel (Ezra 1-6) to rebuild the Temple as ordered and financed by Cyrus. However, only about 50 thousand Israeli returned to Israel in this regathering of the remnant.
536 The foundations of the second Temple were laid by the spring of 536
Daniel survived The Lions’ Den during the reign of Darius I (521–486).
Esther saved the Israel race from the plotting of Haman in this time, between Ezra chapters 6 and 7.
458 second return was under Ezra (Ezra 7-10) in 458 B.C.
444 The third return was led by Nehemiah in 444 who through Artaxerxes I (464–423) had gained authority to rebuild the city (and walls) of Jerusalem. This triggers the 69 weeks of Daniel 9:25
332 Alexander the Great conquers the Persians, beginning the Hellenistic rule of Judea.
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