Tuesday, November 14, 2017

What about man’s suggestions versus God’s ways? 515-1 - 12 - 6

The Emerging Church and Postmodernism
"The postmodern person rejects the biblical absolutes that there is an immutable God, that God is sovereign, and that the only way to salvation is through the blood sacrifice of Jesus.  Therefore, the Christian and the postmodern person often do not have sufficient common ground to allow proper dialogue on spiritual matters.
The postmodern person might ask if there is any such thing as truth and whether or not truth can be known either experientially or rationally.  The modernist would say, "Of course there is absolute truth!  Asking if truth can be known is an absolute question!"
Postmodernism welcomes a softer, gentler emerging church that follows man’s way rather than God’s way:
• Rejects the notion of Universal Truth, something recognized as true
• It asserts its own truths about the Universe
• Constant never-ending change
I recently finished The Book of Judges Part 1, a little too close to home here in the United States. CM stated that we are living in a period like that described in the Book of Judges and made the following points:
1. There is no king in Israel.
2. People are doing what is right in their own eyes.
3. God’s people can’t seem to work together.
4. People are in bondage to their various enemies.
1. There is no king in Israel:
In my opinion, the United States had an absentee, narcissistic, selfie picture taking president for eight long years. We now have a very involved and proactive POTUS. Sadly, the establishment RINOs and the Democratic Party are fighting him.
2. People are doing what is right in their own eyes:
Early in his presidency Obama started his denigration of law enforcement by saying a policeman acted stupidly. Under Obama Domestic terrorists group like black lives matter materialized.
3. God’s people can’t seem to work together:
This too often is the case, nevertheless, in the election of 2016 we Christians worked together and, in my opinion, prayed Donald Trump into office. We continue to pray for the president, his family, and his administration.
4. People are in bondage to their various enemies:
After president Trump won the election in 2016 it was like liberal America collectively lost its mine. The liberals were/ are in bondage to free stuff. Former President Bush referred to the bigotry of low expectations, code for Jesse Jackson and his ilk to keep people in bondage.
In recent years we in the United States have had warnings or “shakings” to quote Messianic Rabbi Jonathon Cain. There are voices “crying in the wilderness” that is present day America, however, are people listening? Rather most are doing “what is right in their own minds,” filling their inherent spiritual gap with the untampered (H8602) mortar of sinful behavior.
H8602, to smear; plaster or slime; frivolity: - foolish things, unsavoury, untempered.
As with the Northern Kingdom has the United States lost her hedge of protection? Is there a gap? God tells Ezekiel that there is nothing and no one to stand in the “gap” that Israel has made in her wall of protection. Who/ what should have been “gap” fillers? Who/ what fills the gap for us today?
With thanks to the Blue Letter Bible website:
1) breach, gap, bursting forth
a) bursting forth, outburst
b) breach
c) broken wall
d) outburst (fig. of God's wrath)
Lessons learned, we BACs must be more proactive and stand in the gap while there is (pray-fully) still time.

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