Saturday, April 21, 2012

DQ#3. Have you ever "fallen behind" God, or perhaps "fallen away"? How did God restore you?

As a very young child I accepted Jesus in my life, nothing momentous, just a wonderful feeling of love. According to the belief “Once Saved, Always Saved” should one wander too far from righteousness, the saved person would be taken home fairly early. As an example, Acts 5:2-4, “2 And he kept back part of the proceeds, his wife also being aware of it, and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles’ feet. 3 But Peter said, “Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to lie to the Holy Spirit and keep back part of the price of the land for yourself? 4 While it remained, was it not your own? And after it was sold, was it not in your own control? Why have you conceived this thing in your heart? You have not lied to men but to God.” Both Ananias and his wife Sapphira fell down dead. After hearing that I started to question was I really saved and if so why hasn't God struck me dead years ago.

I grew up in the church, learned verses and read Bible stories. I sang in both the junior and senior choirs. As a college student I joined my husband’s church and my children and I attended church most every Sunday even after we divorced. However, all the Sunday mornings spent on my knees didn't keep me from playing the field whenever possible. After college I drifted further away from God and later played around the edges of the “New Age.” I went so far as to join a “New Thought” church and attend classes for two years. I studied “Science of Mind” and scientific prayer treatment. I even became ordained and performed marriages, mostly in prisons. By the way, this little bit of service in prisons created in me an interest in a prison mission, something I've never done anything about.

Well God sure claims His own! Good career or not I had a hunger that the “All roads lead to God” couldn't satisfy. I got into a Bible based church and started back on the path I wandered away from. Did I ever totally fall away? I don’t think so. I was in a Bible study and heard “Repent and be baptized.” Repentance was not a problem as I was feeling in great need of forgiveness. Over family objection that I was baptized as a child I had a full immersion baptism.
So why did God spare me all those years while I fell behind Him? Perhaps so I would be the discerning Christian that I am today. I've heard many of the enemy’s non-Biblical teaching and can recognize a red flag when I see it.

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