Sunday, December 28, 2014

The Creation is fundamental to Christian apologetics 514 - 6 - 5

In my opinion, too often the Bible is treated as a vast buffet whereby one picks and chooses what he or she is willing to believe. As for me, it is Sola Scriptura, you either believe God’s Word or you flat-out don’t.
As for the properties of the universe as listed in the Bible, to quote just a few:
Isaiah 64:1 says space can be torn
Psalm 102 says space can be worn out like a garment
Job 9:8 says He alone spreads out the heavens, and treads on the waves of the sea
The book “The Privileged Planet: How Our Place in the Cosmos Is Designed for Discovery” by Guillermo Gonzalez and Jay W. Richards is a rather challenging read. The video “The Privileged Planet” was gentler on my brain while being very informative. Our Earth is located in a habitable zone in our solar system. A little closer to sun or a little further away from the sun and no complex life would be possible. Our solar system also has a habitable zone within our galaxy, as does our galaxy.
The above are just a few of the observations that speak to the very uniqueness of our privileged planet. It appears that we are located in the perfect position to observe the universe, like we have a window to the world. From the smallest quarks to the immensity of the universe, we are indeed living on a “Privileged Planet.”  
Why the resistance to Creation? Why do I think the Creation is fundamental to Christian apologetics? If the universe were created then there would be a Creator to whom we would be accountable, an inconvenient truth to many.
Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.”
The six days of creation was a time of negative entropy. With the exception of these six days, by the laws of entropy the universe truly had a beginning and will have an ending. I agree with those who attribute the beginning of the universe to the Big Bang theory. However, and in my opinion, what they’re missing is an understanding of just Who caused the Big Bang. Sadly the very famous “Stephen Hawking Says 'There Is No God,' Confirms He's An Atheist”
As I understand it, Mr. Hocking attributes the creation to gravitational forces. My question to Mr. Hocking would be who created those forces?
If the Christian apologist can open the unbeliever to the possibility of a Creator based on Genesis 1:1, time to consider the human incarnation of that creator.
John 1:1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
Unfortunately it seems that many, including those who refer to themselves as Christians, have little desire to really dig into the Word. If one doesn't truly internalize the validity of the Word can one truly be an effective Christian apologist?

An after thought:

Whenever I hear an unbeliever’s bloviate about creation being due to the fad thinking of the day rather than the Creator I reflect on Romans 1:18-21 “and their foolish heart was darkened.” Then there is Job 40:2 “Shall he that contendeth with the Almighty instruct him? He that reproveth God, let him answer it.

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