Sunday, October 11, 2015

how do I compare my knowledge of Christ with all the other things in my life? 538 - 5 - 3

So how do I compare my knowledge of Christ with all the other things in my life? The answer is simple, everything else in my life pales by comparison.
That Christ is who he said he was is verified by many sources including the Septuagint Bible completed nearly three centuries before the birth of Jesus. Jesus fulfilled the ancient prophecies 100%. So from an intellectual perspective, Jesus has done it all.
It has been said that the greatest distance in our understanding of God is the 18 inches from the head to the heart. Being analytical is a fault with me, however, the deeper I delve into the Word the shorter this 18 inch distance becomes.
Some theorize that humans have a hole in their hearts that can only be filled by God. It has been further theorized that “The God gene” exists, a gene which predisposes humans towards spiritual or mystic experiences. I do not subscribe to that theory of the existence of a God gene as God created us with free will.
I cannot begin to imagine what my life would be like without Jesus. I am sure of one thing, there would be a void in my spirit. I would be without an anchor in my life and set adrift in a fearful world. For more than 20 years I have bought and sold moderately priced jewelry, Native American crafts, mineral specimens and more. I’m proud of the extensive inventory that I have accumulated, however, it is nothing compared to what awaits me as a believer. It is nothing more than costly dross.

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