CM stated that we are living in a period like that described in the Book of Judges and made the following points:
There is no king in Israel.
People are doing what is right in their own eyes.
God’s people can’t seem to work together.
People are in bondage to their various enemies.
There is no king in Israel:
In my opinion, the United States had an absentee, narcissistic, selfie picture taking president for eight long years. One of my liberal friends said she's so enjoy the days of Obama when there were no scandals. No scandals, there were many that the left leaning media failed to report. Fast and furious and Obamacare & Obama’s false promises were just a few examples.
25 'impeachable' Obama scandals far more serious than Comey firing
We now have a very involved and proactive POTUS. Sadly, the establishment is fighting him.
People are doing what is right in their own eyes:
As for doing what was right in his own eyes, early on President Obama started his hate fest against law enforcement by saying a policeman acted stupidly and then the hypocrisy of getting together for a beer. Under Obama Domestic terrorists group like black lives matter materialized. Representatives from BLM were invited to visit Obama in the White House.
God’s people can’t seem to work together:
This too often is the case, nevertheless, in the election of 2016 we Christians worked together and, in my opinion, prayed Donald Trump into office.
People are in bondage to their various enemies:
After president Trump won the election in 2016 it was like liberal America collectively lost its mine. The liberals protested just to protest likely doing what they thought was right in their minds, however, was it rather bondage to free stuff. Former President Bush referred to the bigotry of low expectations. Low expectations, just another way to keep people in bondage.
More recently we've seen the "taking a knee" rather than standing for the National Anthem. This started last year by a very privileged football player. Now players from several professional football teams and even some high school players are taking the knee. These players are in bondage to being what they consider PC.
Many former football fans are doing what's right in their own eyes and burning football jerseys and other football memorabilia. Very Politically Incorrect, nevertheless, I applaud them.
Again, we now have a very involved and proactive POTUS. Sadly, the establishment is fighting him. Now to whom is the establishment in bondage to.
Full disclosure, I caught Trump fever after the first GOP primary debate. After President Obama nearly doubled our National Debt in eight years we were in danger of being in bondage to China. We needed a businessman, a builder, a King Cyrus. Thank you God for President Trump!