Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Discuss the relevance of the "Prayer of Nabonidus" and how it relates to and confirms the text of Daniel Chapter 4 522 - 4-4.

As is my usual modus operandi, after I listened to CM's commentary, reviewed the PDF and read the text, I surfed the Internet. All I can say is that we are fortunate to have the guidance of serious biblical scholars such as CM.

In my surfing I found that even the latter-day Saints weighed in on the discussion. The article didn't seem to be able to distinguish between father in the contemporary in the usual sense and as used in biblical times.

“Chapters two, three, and four of Daniel purport to contain accounts about Nebuchadnezzar. But only the first and best-known of these—the account of his dream about the great statue destroyed by a stone cut out of a mountainside—is actually about him. The stories in chapters three and four, as well as a reference in chapter five, are actually about another king named Nabonidus, not Nebuchadnezzar. [Dan. 2; Dan. 3; Dan. 4; Dan. 5]”

Another source seems to imply that someone plagiarized much of the book of Daniel based on the "Prayer of Nabonidus."

“Fragments of a document called The Prayer of Nabonidus were found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. The fragments tell the story of King Nabonidus, the last king of Babylon, who was afflicted with a disease for seven years while in Teima, Arabia, and prayed to God for salvation. He was then told by a "diviner" that he must proclaim and give honor to God:"
“I was afflicted [with an evil ulcer] for seven years…and an exorcist pardoned my sins. He was a Jew from among the [children of the exile of Judah, and said,] ‘Recount this in writing to [glorify and exalt] the Name of the [Most High God]’” (I.3-5).

"The Prayer of Nabonidus parallels the biblical story in Daniel 4, in which King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon is afflicted for seven years and his condition is explained to him by Daniel. The Prayer of Nabonidus may have served as a source for the author of Daniel, or it may simply preserve an older version of the story.”

I'm not quite sure what the author is trying to say in the final paragraph. While he says that the prayer of Nabonidus parallels Daniel Captor 4 is he by saying that the prayer may have served as a source for the author of Daniel and is he further trying to say that someone other than Daniel wrote the book of Daniel? That it was plagiarized from an older source.
As for me, "The Prayer of Nabonidus" closely resembles what King Nebuchadnezzar wrote in Chapter 4 of the Book of Daniel. There are the usual distractors who use/ will use it to undermined the authenticity of the Bible and/or redact it. These protagonists of confusion should read the Septuagint, written nearly 300 years before the birth of Christ.

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