Monday, November 25, 2013

How has the perception of the Metacosm been useful or relevant to you personally? 532-1 - 2 - 3

So how is the perception of the Metacosm relevant to me personally? As a child I always seem to be a little bit out of step with the mainstream. At the age what is now called middle school I developed an absolute crush on Albert Einstein. I remember doing a report on Einstein and added a freehand sketch of his face on the cover. Hopefully what I wrote was more accurate than my visual representation of him which turned out to look more like Stalin that Einstein.

This infatuation led me to read a simplified version of Einstein's Theory of Relativity as well as other books such as “The Expanding Universe.” What I recall is that the Special Theory of Relativity had rather simple equation giving me a false sense of understanding. So more than half a century ago I had hopes of someday solving the Unified Field Theory.

As I moved along to high school mathematics I found that I wasn't nearly as intelligent as I once thought and certainly not destined to solve the Unified Field Theory. If I had any pride in my mental abilities, college courses in calculus, theory of matrices and differential equations were very humbling. Very humbling indeed regardless of the pride I had due to how well I did on math aptitude testing. Pride before a fall...
Now decades later I so enjoy Chuck Missler and his thinking way outside the box. His discussion of the Metacosm truly resonates with me; that perhaps I actually was close to a truth that I couldn't quite visualize or verbalize those many years ago.
That said, I’ve long argued that given the speed of light visitors traveling to earth was very unlikely. With the exception of our sun, the nearest star is more than four light years away. I added that what some call ETs are likely a bleed-through from another dimension. I’ve updated my bleed-through theory to be more Biblically correct. We are told in Genesis 6:4 “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days—and also afterward—when the sons of God went to the daughters of the human beings and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” Legends of the offspring’s of these unholy unions are told throughout the planet and cultures. Also, rather than bleed-through from other dimensions, I am more inclined to agree with some of the conclusions of Tom Horne. There have been a number of people in occult circles trying to open a portal to other dimensions. Unfortunately they just may have succeeded.

It is my belief, reinforced by the writings of Mr. Horn, that people can open themselves to these evil beings and invite abduction. There are many rather consistence stories of abductions and being probed, the fallen ones experimenting with DNA? To me, keeping our thoughts focused on God is our best protection.

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