Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What is our purpose as Christians and how are we to fulfill this purpose? SD503 - 1 - 2

As Christians we are to love God and then to love each other. For me, loving God is as natural as breathing. When I wake up in the morning I thank God for his blessings but often express sorrow that the Church has not been raptured. As I drift off to sleep I’m also thanking God for his many blessings. Throughout the day I often talk to God.

To be filled with God’s love requires that God is our focal point. If we are preoccupied with thoughts of ourselves, of our human nature, there is little room left for God. It is very difficult to channel God’s love to others unless we ourselves are filled with it. If we are truly topped off with God’s love and keep our mind stayed on him, we can leak love out to others while maintaining our level at full.

In my case, the rub comes when I consider to whom I’m letting love leak out to. As I understand, we are to hate the sin but love the sinner. This can be difficult for someone who tends to be judgmental as do I.

There are two guides that I find helpful, the Golden Rule and keeping in mind “What Would Jesus Do.” WWJD is a very high standard as Jesus was and is all about love. A standard that I all too often fall very short of.

Gandhi was asked once why he didn't become a Christian and he said it was because of Christians. Failure to walk the talk may have a negative effect one who is searching.

CM equates the Third Commandment to being an ambassador for God. If those of us who claim that we are Christians reflect self rather than Christ like behavior, let’s see. I believe the very descriptive word Jesus used was hypocrites.

We are to be true witnesses for God both in our actions and in displaying the courage of our convictions. My studies here at KI are helping me to become something of a Christian apologist. While I have so much to learn I find that I am becoming more and more able to hold up my end in a discussion on theology. 

My neighbor who adheres to the seventh-day Sabbath and I discussed Replacement Theology and I was surprised to find out that she is a proponent. I initiated the conversation by discussing the video “Let the Lion Roar.” In this video the narrator is told to “Complete the Reformation.” While my neighbor allowed is how she wouldn't be interested in watching the video we remain good friends. 

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