Saturday, March 1, 2014

Do you expect to see Pilate in heaven? 532-2 - 18 - 5

John 19:10-11, "Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee? Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin." Jesus held the Jewish leadership more accountable than he did Pilate.

The Archko Confessions is a short extra-biblical documentary filmed in 2008; the description follows.

“The Archko Confessions are reported to be the actual words of Pontius Pilate, Caiaphas, Herod Antipas, Jesus Christ, and Ben Isham, as translated in the Archko Volume, a collection of official documents written at the time of the trial, crucifixion, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

A Critique of the Archko Library – short version, “As I began to investigate the Archko Volume, I found that critics consider it to be an apocryphal work at best and a probable fraud at worst!”

From Wikipedia, The Archko Volume. “The Archko Volumeor Archko Library [1] is a 19th-century volume containing what purports to be a series of reports from Jewish and pagan sources contemporary with Christ that relate to the life and death of Jesus. The work went through a number of versions and has remained in print ever since. The texts are otherwise unknown, and the author was convicted by an ecclesiastical court of falsehood and plagiarism.”

As for me, I would like to believe that there is an element of truth in the Archko Confessions as I would like to believe that Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri really had a vision of Jesus reviewing Himself as the Messiah. “I ask you again, could the Messiah of God reveal Himself to a Jewish rabbi?” quoted from the book by Carl Gallups, “The Rabbi Who Found Messiah: The Story of Yitzhak Kaduri and His Prophecies of the Endtime."

Pagan superstition or his proximity to Jesus throughout that fateful day, did Pilate come to the belief that Jesus was/is the Messiah? Pilate tried to avoid involvement in the trial of Jesus by turning him over to Herod. When this didn’t work, he had him beaten and then presented the bloody Jesus to the populace, saying, “Behold the man.” He famously asked Jesus, “What is truth.” So yes, I expect to see Pilate in heaven. Pilate had declared Jesus not guilty and confirmed him as the King of the Jews.

Added later:

I was trying to find this thought provoking essay by Nathele Graham to share with friends at yesterday's Bible study. Finally I found it so I thought why not share it on Facebook as I suspect that most of my Facebook friends and relatives do not have a relationship with Jesus. So I plant a seed hoping that it will germinate

WHY DIDN’T I TELL YOU? By Nathele Graham

I knew that, like me, you were a sinner in need of Grace. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that sin, no matter how small, cannot enter Heaven. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that you were searching, in need of peace. Why did...n’t I tell you?
I knew that eternity is forever. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that we can choose where we spend eternity. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that all roads do not lead to Heaven. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that if there was any other way of Salvation, Jesus wouldn’t have had to die on the cross. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that Jesus chose to die on the cross for me….and you. Why didn’t I tell you?
I knew that you had to accept that free gift which God gave us in order to be saved. Why didn’t I tell you?

But now here I am in the presence of God Almighty but I don’t know where you are. I was going to tell you tomorrow, but there are no more tomorrows for me or for you. You’re not here, didn’t anyone tell you? Oh, dear God, forgive me. Why didn’t I tell you?

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