Saturday, March 22, 2014

Why is it important for us to understand the book of Hebrews at this time? 542 - 1 - 3

Holocaust remembrance week should be a time of reflection on the level of evil to which man can sink. Most of the world seems to once more be blatantly turning against God’s chosen people. In the Book of Hebrews Paul, yes I believe that he wrote the book, gives us many warnings. With thanks to CM for his listing of the five warnings, I would like to embellish upon how these warnings are being ignored in our treatment of Israel.

Warning #1: The Danger of Drifting

The United States had long been blessed in large measure, I believe, due to our support of the Jewish people generally and Israel specifically. POTUS Harry S. Truman was very instrumental in the recognition of the state of Israel. Now in past generations, we are drifting away from our support of Israel and throwing her under the bus.

Warning #2: The Danger of Disobedience.

God gave us warning that we will be blessed or cursed based on our treatment of his chosen people. Our administration was very forceful in pushing Israel to withdraw from the Gaza Strip. As I often point out, after Israel traded land for peace what they got was a closer missile launching base and what we got in the United States was Hurricane Katrina.
The 1938 New England hurricane often called "The Long Island Express" was perhaps God's judgment upon a meeting of quasi-Nazis meeting in the New England area.

Warning #3: Failing to Mature.

So many are so far removed from any desire for meat and spit up the little milk that they attempt to take in. The emergent church is, in my opinion, a step towards a one world religion. Many perfer the “All roads lead to God” false theology to the truth of our being responsible to God and that, John 14:6, "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." Also popular is the heresy of Replacement Theology, an attempt to marginalize God’s chosen people.

Warning #4: The Danger of Willful SIn.

I read a quote on Facebook that if you make the same mistake twice it’s a willful choice. The Bible is being relegated to a book of fables by many. Then others, even those claiming to be evangelicals, are disputing Israel’s right to the land. Recently, the let's blame Israel for everything group calling itself “Christ at the Checkpoint” met in Israel. Their agenda is blatantly anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian.

Warning #5: The Danger of Indifference.

Now in my senior years I can authoritatively state that I have seen a major decline in empathy for others and in a search for knowledge. Violent video games, in my opinion, negate the value of life. Many depend on the lame stream media and regurgitate their leftist views that Israel is the villain and the Palestinians are the victim.

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