Replacement theology makes the claim that as Israel rejected Jesus as Yeshua she forfeited the promises/ covenants made to her by God and these passed to the Church which became “spiritual Israel.” The concept of replacement theology marginalizes Israel and the Jewish people making it easier for the world to turn its back on the Jews, most notably during the Holocaust.
If God cannot be trusted to keep His word to Israel can Christians expect Him to keep his word to us and honor our salvation? Of course God will honor His covenant with Israel as well as our salvation. To suggest other concepts such as Replacement theology is pure heresy. We serve an awesome God, unlike the capricious god of Islam (more about that later).
In another KI class I suggested that...“The Boy in the Striped Pajamas,” the ultimate victim of replacement theology." I was so taken by the movie “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” that I couldn't pass up an opportunity to recommend it again.
Set during World War II, the movie “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” involves the growing friendship between two 8-year-old boys separated by a fence in a concentration camp. Bruno is the son of the commandant of the concentration camp where Shmuel is imprisoned. Shmuel’s crime is being born a Jew. Boys being boys, Bruno sneaks into the concentration camp. Shmuel and Bruno search the camp looking for Shmuel’s father who disappeared a few days before. The boys make the mistake of entering a building that is holding dozens of men about to be herded into the gas chamber.
The movie ends with the door to the gas chamber being sealed and crystals being dropped into the chamber as Bruno’s father frantically looks for him. Sad as the ending of the movie is, Bruno’s father was about to learn the deadly efficiency of his camp of extermination.
So much for my usual discussed of replacement theology. That said, and in my opinion, there is an even more dangerous replacement theology coming to the forefront today. When Muhammad had his hallucinations he first thought he was demon possessed. He went running home to his wife and she assured him that this was not a demon and to go back and meditate some more and the rest is history. After Mohammed's death his followers pieced together the Quran, a hodgepodge of misinformation taken from the Bible and twisted around to Islam’s advantage. Ishmael replaces Isaac as the son of promise and the inheritor of the covenant that God gave to his friend Abraham. This is pure fantasy however 1 billion or so people on this planet actually believe it. Islam has their own antichrist named Dajjalis who interestingly is blind in one eye. The Islamic Jesus would fit our description of the false prophet. Is the antichrist from the Islamic faith? A subject for another DQ.