Thursday, September 6, 2012

How does today’s culture claim the Gospel is “offensive” to some? Explain. BIB 536-7-2

It’s been about a half-century (two generations) since we in the United States threw God out of schools. In today’s culture many people just don’t want to believe that there is a God to whom they will someday be accountable. Many people have hardened their hearts so against the gospel that just the mention of it is offensive to them.
Tonight was the second night of the Democratic National Convention. Among the delegates were 100 Arab Americans and more than 400 gays. Also there were many delegates representing a woman’s reproductive rights, code for abortion. This group also is pushing for companies and organizations such as religious organizations to be forced to pay for their contraceptives. Tax payer money for abortions and a companies being forced to provide contraceptives coverage flies in the face of many Christians. I would assume that to Arab-Americans the Christian gospel is offensive as it is to those who are active in a homosexual relationship. And of course abortion is murder and prohibited by the Bible.
As long as you are an unbeliever you are mostly free to engage in immoral behavior. Many people preferred to continue their sinful behavior rather then to embrace the salvation offered by Jesus. As long as they’re in denial I suppose they don’t really think about the fact that they are condemning themselves to an eternity in a less than desirable place.
The Democrats have come under fire for leaving God and Jerusalem as the capital of Israel out of their platform they were to adopt earlier today. So President Obama gave in to public criticism and said to add it back, however, it had to pass a vote by the delegates. An unfortunate Democrat had to present the addition of God and Jerusalem to the delegates. He called for a voice vote likely expecting an easy two thirds majority. After the first vote it sounded like there were slightly more ayes than nays but lacking a two thirds majority. So it was decided to go for a second vote and then a third vote. Although it sounded to me like an even vote, these in charge decided that there was a two thirds majority so God was welcomed back into the platform as well as Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The thing that rather frightened me was the reaction of the delegates. To say that today’s culture claims the gospel is offensive to some is an understatement. There were delegates who looked like they were ready to tear the place apart. I could almost feel the evil emanating from the TV set.
I want no part of a second term for president Obama. I rather expect that there will be riots in the street should he be defeated. Intentionally or on unintentionally, Obama’s party and Obama are doing the work of the devil.

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