I was watching the Hal Lindsey Report Friday night and it was his wrap up of the “Prophetic Year in Review 2012." Hal repeated again that the antichrist will come out of the EU. I thought he somewhat denigrated other prophetic writer such as the former terrorist now author Walid Shoebat and best-selling author Joel Rosenberg who are tending towards an Islamic antichrist. While these arguments are intellectually very interesting, to me spirit of the antichrist is present in many of those walking the planet today. The United States which has been so blessed by God for centuries is now rapidly accelerating into darkness. It could well be argued that we started on the slippery slope when we turned our back on the Jews in the 30s and 40s and then in the 60s when God was thrown out of schools. A few generations later we see the fruit of that arrogance.
The Sandy Hook murders is a recent manifestation of the gun violence that seems to be gripping the United States today. Gun ownership by responsible owners isn't the problem; rather it is the growing lack of empathy and a decline in the Fear of God in this country. Surfing the Internet or cable TV brings up on enough violence to warp a young mind. Pornography and pedophilia is a growing problem.
Could it be that we're under judgment? In my opinion many are beginning to think so. This week-end the Northeast is digging out from the effects of Nemo. Some of the areas that were devastated by last year’s perfect storm Sandy were blanked by deep snow. Also, I understand there were hurricane-force winds in the Northeaster as well. Meanwhile there's another storm brewing out west that's going to meet up with warm air from the south so tornadoes are a slim possibility. That's just in the United States. There is been a serious uptake and earthquakes throughout the world in last week or so. Plus the usual bombings and flooding and more.
As is so often the case, many people are reacting to the bad news by trying to do it their way rather than turning to God. There are the survivalists AKA preppers who are stockpiling food, water and guns often in underground storage. Yesterday a friend told of people buying huge metal cargo shipping containers and burying them on their land. They are then building their houses over them with a hidden trap door leading to the buried container. While it is being responsible to have several days of water and food on hand in the case of an emergency, God is our Rock.
So how do we repair this in our own lives? Actually I have a very well developed fear of God. Although I’ll be with the Lord eventually, I know that I’ll then stand in judgment and fall on my face in despair as my many sins are exposed before our creator. In the meanwhile, I can pray and witness.
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