Thursday, February 28, 2013

What are the "political correctness" issues of our day? 547-2 - 23-3

Political correctness is code for the suppression of freedom of speech granted by the First Amendment to our Constitution.Recently Dr. Benjamin Carson was a speaker at the National Prayer Breakfast and discussed political correctness:

“ what we need to do in this pc world is forget about unanimity of speech and unanimity of thought, and we need to concentrate on being respectful to those people with whom we disagree.”

“ But pc is dangerous. Because, you see, this country one of the founding principles was freedom of thought and freedom of expression. and it muffles people. It puts a muzzle on them. And at the same time, keeps people from discussing important issues while the fabric of this society is being changed. And we cannot fall for that trick. And what we need to do is start talking about things, talking about things that are important.”

While Dr. Carson's talk was very well received and his talk went viral on the Internet, the lame stream media went on the attack. The two groups most maligned by the far left are conservative women and conservatives minorities.

CM said that in an environment of spiritual darkness; in a cultural war, truth is the first casualty. And it sure seems that our country is quickly descending into spiritual darkness. To expand upon a few of the topics he listed; the theory/ religion of evolution. If we accept that “from the zoo to you by the way of goo” as truth, does human life have real value? The most helpless and innocent victims of the theory of evolution are the unborn in my opinion. Political correctness dictates that a woman has the right to her body and that includes elimination of even a fully functioning but unborn baby.

Political correctness dictates that anyone trying to teach intelligent design is in danger of losing his/her job. Holding a creationism view labels one as an illiterate fundamentalist.

Palestinian occupation is misrepresentation of truth. Even some of the evangelical organizations are mouthing the mantra of occupation by Israel undermining their long time support of Israel. The lame stream media bloviates about Israeli missiles but says little about the hundreds of rockets originating from the Muslim missile sites. Islam is promoted as a peaceful religion in direct contradiction to the Koran.

I would group CM topics of schools corrupting the minds of our children with the push for a “Nanny state Government” and add parents being made to seem less intelligent and evolved than their children. As a twice divorced mother of two perhaps I'm not one to talk about the nuclear family, however, it certainly is under attack in America. The administration wants preschool for every child thus enabling the nanny state indoctrination as soon as the child is out of diapers.

In direct contradiction to the Word of God, homosexuality is being promoted as a normal lifestyle. To reject this is to be labeled a homophobic.

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