Thursday, February 21, 2013

Will the Next Pope Please Stand Up! 547-2 - 21-8

The prophecy world is all a twitter with the announcement yesterday that Pope Benedict the 16th was resigning. I was rather amused that a Catholic neighbor was in disbelief that the pope was actually going to step down, “After all are they (popes) really allowed to resign?” I reminded her that the pope was only a man and it's certainly within his rights to retire. Hopefully she'll think about this and realize that just maybe he really is not the Apostle Peter revisited.

Some months ago I was introduced to Tom Horn while taking the course I601. Thus began my adventure buying and trying to find time to read his books. While I've only read parts of his book co-authored with Cris Putnam, "Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here", I find what I’ve read fascinating. Mr. Horn and Mr. Putnam predicted that Pope Benedict the 16th would become the first pope in nearly 600 years to resign. If I understand Horn's book correctly, the last pope will be called “Petrus Romanus” based on the prophecy by Irish Archbishop St. Malachy. Further, “Petrus Romanus will be the last pope!

A few months after he was elected pope, Benedict asked Cardinal Tarcisio Pietro (Peter in English) Evasio Bertone to take up his current position of Vatican secretary of state. Rumor has it that Cardinal Bertone may be in the running for pope.

Others possibilities being considered to be named the new pope are from Africa; 64-year-old Cardinal Peter Turkson of Ghana and 80-year-old Cardinal Francis Arinze of Nigeria.

The World Net Daily has published an article, 'Final pope' already running Vatican? That “Benedict might have 'stacked deck' in fulfillment of prophecy.” So did Benedict choose his successor?

A little from the book, “Petrus Romanus: The Final Pope Is Here.”

“Cardinal Arinze fits this description, and Conte interprets this qualification as best fulfilling “Peter the Roman” as a pope who “will reaffirm the authority of the Roman Pontiff over the Church; this authority is based on his place as a Successor of Peter” and “will emphasize the supremacy of the Roman Catholic Faith and the Roman Catholic Church above all other religions and denominations, and its authority over all Christians and all peoples of the world.” To this, Conte adds, “During the reign of Pope Peter the Roman, the great apostasy begins” and this pope will mark “the first part of the tribulation, during our generation.”[688] Conte envisions this apocalypse beginning in 2012 when, as he sees it, Benedict suddenly dies or steps down and is replaced by Petrus Romanus. This is followed by a series of cascading events resulting in World War III, which is triggered when Iranian-backed terrorists explode a nuclear bomb in New York City. The Great Tribulation begins, and by July 2013, Rome is destroyed when it is struck by a nuclear missile.”

A really interesting book, my recommendation, buy the book and read it.

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