Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cite two places in the Bible that a “bow” is a token of a covenant. How does this relate to Israel? 502-2 - 13 - 4

The first “bow” covenant was with Noah after the flood. God promised that there would never be another global flood and placed His bow (rainbow) in the sky as a sign of this covenant, Genesis 9:11-15. Those who claim that the Bible is mostly allegorical and that the flood was really a local flood should review the legends throughout the world concerning disastrous floods. 

Also there's a tremendous deposit of organic materials in the Middle East that eventually resulted in the vast oil deposits. If the flood of Noah were indeed only a local flood this would mean, given all the major local floods throughout history, that God is a liar, I think not.

Nimrod was the first world dictator, is pictured carrying a bow and is considered to be an archetype for the future antichrist. This leads into the second incident of the bow being used as a precursor to a covenant as one is held by the first horseman of the Apocalypse. This rider, understood to be the antichrist, is dressed in white and carries a bow with no arrows. This implies someone who brings peace without open warfare.

This peaceful rise of the antichrist would likely be after the Rapture of the Church and a major battle such as the Magog Invasion. The world will be in turmoil and looking for an explanation for the disappearance of all those pesky born-again Christians. Some prophecy writers think that the battle of the Magog will occur shortly after the Rapture of the Church. People will be so desperate for a strong leader who they think can bring peace that they will accept the world government headed up by the antichrist and a world religion headed up by the false prophet. 

A major problem for those left behind, in addition to going to the tribulation, is that so many people are so blind to Biblical Truth that they will be susceptible to the assurance of peace on the part of the antichrist.

The Antichrist will establish a covenant with Israel promising to protect her for seven years. At the end of 3 ½ years the Antichrist will desecrate the temple, initiate persecution of the Jews and declared himself god.

The Jews will have been forewarned in Mark 13 and Matthew 24 to flee to Petra for refuge and there will be a Remnant who will survive the remainder of the Tribulation and come to acknowledge Jesus as Yeshua. As CM says, we will be watching all of this from the mezzanine.

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