Saturday, August 11, 2012

People get burned out because they are doing things in their own flesh; not in Spirit. How can you make the distinction between the works of the flesh and the work of the Spirit? 601-2-7

I’m rather burnout because I’m letting my current life situation get me down. I moved in with my mother in January of this year to help care for her. Normally this time of year I would be enjoying the summer at a great park in Michigan with family and friends. In the past when I stayed with my mom to help her it was always temporary. This time it’s for as long as she can stay in her own home.

Earlier I went through a period of depression and I felt like I was in a dark tunnel with no light at the end of it. I told myself to get over it, that my mother needs me and that it’s my duty as a daughter. And then there was the guilt I felt by being unhappy that my life was placed on hold. Mom and I get along quite well, however, she seems to resent the hours I spend in study. The extended family dynamics are interesting. I used to be the one who called my mother every night at eight o’clock and now it’s my brother calling both of us at eight o’clock. I seem to have adjusted to having my wings clipped for the foreseeable future. I handled it by just asking for lots of help from God to give me the strength and the patience to keep on keeping on. Although I didn’t realize it at the time, what I was looking for was the comforter, the Holy Spirit.

I joined KI shortly before leaving my home and church families to come to stay with my mother. I had been aware of Chuck Missler for a number of years and was downloading any of his teaching that I could find on the Internet. However I did not know about KI and seemingly found it almost by accident. There are no coincidences so perhaps this was the Holy Spirit nudging me into something that would be both a moral support and a growth opportunity. Lately I’m becoming more and more engaged in life and I’m even starting to pay attention to my e-commerce carts and list on eBay. It’s been a rough road trying to let go and let God, another way of saying let the Holy Spirit work in my life.

I realize that I make the distinction between the works of the flesh and the works of the Spirit by how it makes me feel. If I feel over-whelmed I’m likely working in the flesh and things just don’t go well. Often I will relax for a few minutes and feel of the presence of comforter he refreshes my soul.

I may be here in part to minimize the effect my mother’s Catholic friends have on her. I don’t criticize the doctrines of the Catholic Church as much as to point out Biblical truth to her. Also my brother is asking questions about religion during our nightly conversation; nothing happens by accident.

Added Later:

 A painful circumstance that I take to God day after day is my four legged companion of more than 14 years, my dog Phoebe. Phoebe is mostly Irish setter and has been my friend, traveling buddy and bodyguard as we traveled many times across and around the country. It will soon be time to say goodbye to Phoebe and I don’t want to; that’s the influence of the selfishness of flesh. When that day comes, I’ll look to the Comforter to get me through it as by myself, I’d fall apart.

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