Sunday, August 19, 2012

What are the implications of "Evangelicals and Catholics Together?" BIB 547-1-6-6

What are the implications of "Evangelicals and Catholics Together?"
1. That liberal evangelical churches, like the church at Pergamos are becoming married to the world
2. That the millions of believers in the Word of God who died horrid deaths at the hands of the Catholic Church or its minions died for nothing.
3. Martin Luther just had a misunderstanding of Catholic doctrine
4. Marginalizing Matthew 28:19-20, "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen." Note, Jesus referred to the Trinity not Mary
The goal of most who call themselves evangelicals is to lead people to Christ. However, Catholic evangelism is more about bringing people into the Catholic Church. This very telling quote was taken from Dave Hunt's book "A Woman Rides the Beast: The Roman Catholic Church and the Last Days:" "Consider the following explanation of "Catholic evangelism" by Fr. Tom Forrest to a group of Catholic charismatics: Our job is to make people as richly and as fully Christian as we can make them by bringing them into the Catholic Church. So evangelization is never fully successful, it's only partial, until the convert is made a member of Christ's body by being led into the [Catholic] Church."
The Catholic Church has seven "sacraments" including the claim that Jesus is alive on their altars, the laity becoming one with Christ in the Eucharist, Mary the "Queen of Paradise" worship, the papacy, Peter the rock upon which Christ built His Church and purgatory.
The barbaric tradition of the bread and wine actually being the body and blood of Jesus means that Jesus is sacrificed again every day in millions of churches. The Catholic Pocket Guide states that, "in the mass Christ perpetuates in an unbloody manner the sacrifice offered on the cross." This contradicts Hebrews 9:22 that without shedding of blood is no remission for sin.
Then there is purgatory, the temporary home of those who have passed on. The loved one residing in purgatory can get an early release if enough masses are said, drawing from accounts of saints and more. After more Catholic double talk I gave up, the only advantage I see to the Masses is to the coffers of the church. The horrible disadvantage I see to Catholics is that they may be held accountable for not accepting Jesus‘ cry that it is finished. Trying to explain this during judgment could sound a little bit like a Bud Abbott and Lou Costello "who's on first what's on second" skit.
Is this actually what the more liberal evangelical churches were really want, a union with The Mother Of Harlots? There has to be a special place in hell for the religious leaders who promote fault faiths to millions to their possible eternal condemnation.

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