Saturday, August 4, 2012

In what areas are you a son or daughter of Issachar? How have you been a light to others? BTE 601-2-1

“And of the children of Issachar, which were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do; the heads of them were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their commandment”. 1 Chronicles 12:32 KJV

I’m not sure how well I understand the times, however, I start my day reading the Rapture Ready website, checking on the latest earthquakes, volcanoes, the weather and world news. So in this way I likely am a daughter of Issachar and I do try to be a Watchman on the Wall. As for being a light to others, I am not at all backward about sharing my thoughts about our being in the End Times. I ask “Do you think that we are under judgment in our country due to our treatment of Israel, acceptance of homosexuality and the horror of abortion?”

I recently completed “I 601 Introduction to Strategic Trend Briefings” and found it to be an extremely interesting and challenging course. We were asked would we accept the l601 lssachar challenge; to study the Word of God. We would be expected to become an expert in a specific surveillance area and give expert analysis about this area and explain it in a way others can understand and make suggestions as to what we should do with that knowledge.

The Primary mission of the lssachar Track is “To raise up communicators of a Biblical Worldview who can communicate our Biblical Worldview.” This communicating would be through many venues. A few of the venues that I have a background in would be writing, speaking and witnessing to nonbelievers. I spent a number of years as a Toast Master and at one time thought I might become a motivational speaker. Other areas of interest would be Multimedia presentations, home schooling curriculum and counseling.

We were cautioned about Newspaper Exegesis which is something I have to be careful to avoid. Newspaper Exegesis involves reading the day’s headlines and trying to shoehorn them into a partial or complete fulfillment of prophecy. This is something I am often guilty of but in my defense I would have to say that today’s headlines do read like Bible prophecy. To avoid Newspaper Exegesis we were told to “Put your time and effort into studying the Word of God first and then keep aware of what is going on in the world around you. Current events and issues should then bring to mind a possible connection in God's Word.”

CM listed Strategic Trends to follow and as part of the Issachar challenge. The two trends of primary interest to me are Global/Ecumenical Religion and the Struggle for Jerusalem.

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