Monday, December 26, 2011

My Favorite Book of the Bible and Bible Story

  DQ #1. Share how you approach the study of God’s Word and something about your devotional life. What’s your favorite book of the Bible and Bible story?
  As I posted in DQ #2 " With prayer and passion! Prayers of thanksgiving for the Word and the gift of Grace. Passion for the Word of God. Passion to share the Word. Passion to immerse myself in the Word. I have several electronic tools that are very helpful not only in my walk but also in backing up the truth of the Bible when discussing it with skeptics which seems to be a mission with me.

  As to my favorite Book of the Bible, so many with Genesis likely being number one. But then there are the Books of prophecy and then the Books in the New Testament telling of their fulfillment. The Gospels are wonderful in detailing the walk of Jesus. The Pauline letters are great, 2 Timothy 4 is so moving: 6 For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure is at hand. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing. So many, so very many...

Come quickly Lord Jesus.

My favorite story is Ruth. There is Ruth’s devotion to Naomi:
16 But Ruth said
“ Entreat me not to leave you,
Or to turn back from following after you;
For wherever you go, I will go;
And wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
Your people shall be my people,
And your God, my God

  There is the love story between Ruth and Boaz. However, there is so much more. The story of Naomi and her family going to Moab is well known as is the loss of her husband and sons. So Naomi and her gentile daughter-in-law Ruth returned to Bethlehem. Eventually Ruth and Boaz are married.

So much in this short book:

o Names of all have special meaning
o Law of Gleaning
o the Unnamed Servant as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit
o 6 measures of barley
o Levirite Marriage
o Kinsman-Redeemer – Boaz was second in line but prevailed

Boaz is the Kinsman-Redeemer as Jesus is our redeemer.
Naomi represents Israel
Ruth is the Gentile Bride

  As a Kinsman-Redeemer Boaz had to be a kinsman, able to perform, must be willing and must assume all the obligations.

  Boaz and Ruth were in the line of Jesus. Boaz was the son of Salmon and Rahab who was said to be a prostitute. Boaz and Ruth had a son they named Obed who had a son named Jesse and in turn Jesse had a son named David, later known as King David. So a prostitute and a Gentile in the line of Jesus, what a redemption!

  The Book of Ruth is prophetic of Jesus as the Kinsman-Redeemer and the Church as the Gentile Bride. As Boaz redeemed Ruth as his bride and Naomi her land, Jesus has redeemed the Church and He will redeem Israel.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

approaching my study of God’s word - from Khouse class

DQ #2 is With what should you approach your study of God’s word? What are some of your favorite Bible study materials? Besides Dr. Missler, what other Bible teachers have impacted your life?
With prayer and passion! Prayers of thanksgiving for the Word and the gift of Grace. Passion for the Word of God. Passion to share the Word. Passion to immerse myself in the Word. I have several electronic tools that are very helpful not only in my walk but also in backing up the truth of the Bible when discussing it with skeptics:
1. The Franklin Electronic Bible BIB-475 which includes the complete text of: the King James Version and the New International Version. Plus it includes many helpful features such as bookmarking, find, the Holman Bible Dictionary and more. I use this in church and Bible study classes as it has a very fast look-up feature as we go from verse to verse.
2. Several Bibles on my Kindle Book including “English Translation of the Greek Septuagint”, compiled nearing three hundred years before the birth of Jesus.
3. The NowBible with the ESV Bible (can read and listen to at the same time) and so many features, even has a MP3 player so I always have the Bible, Praise and Worship music and Dr. Missler’s teachings as well as those of others close at hand.
4. Smart phone again with a MP3 player and the Nextbook, a poor man’s version of the I Pad that I listen to at night when I should be sleeping.
5. And of course, my computer complete with so many resources.
If I’m alone and having a quick meal at a fast food store, I listen to a teaching, usually by Dr. Missler. I discovered Dr. Missler’s book “Learn the Bible n 24 Hours” several years ago and then this pass summer, the firefighters website with many teachings by Dr. Missler and other teachers. I’ve read several of Hal Lindsey’s books and watch his report every week. I was in Palm Desert, CA for some time in 2007 and was able several times to attend his weekly Bible study. However, Mr. Lindsey no longer lives in California.
Summers I spend in Michigan in an area described as “The Bible Belt of Michigan” in a member owner park. Each summer we study one of Ray Vanderlaan’s Faith Lessons DVD series, talk about approaching the Word with passion, he is the personification. We have Gospel music Sunday evenings and each summer usually have two or three artists who are regulars with the Gaithers. This summer Guy Penrod was there and what a light he is and he sings with great passion. I think hearing Linda Randle in 2006 pushed me back on the path I started out on as a child and strayed from after college and being so busy. I’m listening to Linda singing as I write.
Here in Arizona we have Bible study at church and two friends lead a Bible study in a tent in the desert. What I most prefer is a small Bible study gathered around a table where there is give and take.
The availability of good teachers and resources along with a thirst for God and a love of Jesus have greatly impacted my life. I often tell of playing around the edges of the “New Age” but never being able to take it seriously. And of course, as I was already one of Jesus’ sheep, He would not let me go and I thank Him for forgiving me.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

First Class Tomorrow - Koinonia Institute!

Tomorrow, 12/18, I start my first class with Chuck Missler's Koinonia Institute:
Survey of the Old Testament is a Bronze Medallion course that reviews the Old Testament with an emphasis on the integrity of deliberate design found throughout the entire Bible. With 66 books penned by over 40 authors and over a period of several thousand years, virtually every detail in the text — every number, place name, even the structures hidden beneath the text itself— reveal a master plan which transcends the perspective of any of the individual writers and demonstrates an extraterrestrial origin from outside our time domain.

There is so much depth to the Bible and again, the more I learn the more I know I have to learn. I've long had a heart centered connection to Jesus, however, in these last days I want to better be able to defend the faith. I'm not sure what a Bronze Medallion represents but the knowledge gained will be helpful.

I've downloaded several of Dr. Missler's teaching in MP3 with a slideshow presentation format. His DVDs take up far more computer storage space and the main difference is being able to watch Dr. Missler rather than listen to him. I'm happy to hear him while viewing the relevant slides. In addition to the slideshow version, there is an audio only format that I can load to my smart phone. Dr. Missler goes into great detail in his teachings.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A little Bit More....

Another eBay post I wrote in reply to a member's question about the Bible.

I believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

I recently enrolled in the Koinonia Institute.  Here is part of what I wrote in the KI Discussion Boards' Introduce Yourself:

I'm from a very small town in Michigan. I can't remember a time as a child that I wasn't in Sunday School. As a teenager I sang in both the junior and senior choir. I was in a rather conservative protestant church, however, for a few years in grade school my best friend was the local Baptist Pastor's daughter so I received a more through introduction to the Bible there. Her father was called to another city but I never forgot the peace I found in that church.

I was a young mother of two and divorced in college. The church I attended with my former husband made sure my children and I had a ride to church Sundays. After college I started to drift away from church membership and am thankful that God is so forgiving. I played at the edges of the so-called New Age and New Thought, you know, the all roads lead to God. Thankfully I belonged to the Lord from such an early age that He never really let me go. Now older and far more discerning I've been delving deeper and deeper into the Word for several years. The more I study and attend Bible studies the more I hunger.

I finally decided that I have an unusual mission field. I've been a member of eBay for years, both as a buyer and seller. I stumbled into a chat room and read incorrect doctrine and lots of Christian bashing. My concern is that far more people read these online threads than reply. I try to correct posts such as Allah is the same God as in the Old Testament.

I moved around a lot after graduating from college in the 60s and now am retired and live in Quartzsite, Arizona where I attend a local Baptist church. Summers I spend in Michigan in a park with it's own Chapel. I am truly blessed.

Monday, December 5, 2011

The Christian Bashing Just Doesn't Stop on the eBay Soapbox!

So now it's bashing Christian for killing non-Christians in the video game Left Behind.  The usual half truths.  So here is my response:

This game has been out for some time if it's the same one I've seen advertised on cable. I understand that the timing of the game is during the Tribulation and after the Rapture of the Church.
After the Rapture many of people who are Left Behind will become believers and then face trying to survive during the seven year Tribulation. With the removal of The Church the anti-Christ will come to power. It will not just be the new believers who are trying to survive, there will likely be many groups opposing the anti-Christ and his minions. BTW, in reading LaHaye's Left Behind series of 12 books I can not recall the new believers doing other than trying to stay alive. Actually the third movie in the series shows the new believers trying to convince the militant groups than the only force that will defeat the anti-Christ is the Second Coming at the end of the seven year Tribulation.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

eBay Posts Revisited

I've long had  another blog where I was posting concerning faith.  I'm coping some of these posts to this blog as a more appropriate platform.

Posted on eBay's Store Chat Room 8/30/10:
kathie wrote, While I'm not sure I see God's hand in our current economic situation - the fingerprints of the politicians are all over it. I'm sure I see God's hand in our current economic situation. Meecabay, you are doing a very courageous job of defending the Faith. It's a difficult undertaking these days, the Bible warned of great deception.

I'm a life-time student. After 9/11 I read up on Islam and what I read would be more frightening if I didn't know God is in control. Our leaders, and I include both Presidents Bush's, have and are backing away from Israel. You'd think we learn that God was very serious in his text book, the Bible when he said in Genesis 12:3:
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you."
We turn our backs on Israel and often within days we have a natural disaster and/or economic set-back. We now have a very anti-Israel president and his minions in office.

David Barton is the Founder and President of WallBuilders which presents America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious and constitutional heritage. I heard David speak on Cable and have a set of his DVDs on my wish list.

I've likely recommended this book before, a quick but informative read: Fast Facts on False Teachings By Ron Carlson, Ed Decker is an easy–to–use resource that provides powerful insights for sharing the biblical gospel with people ensnared by false religions and philosophies. The authors are cult experts provide readers quick, clear facts on the major cults and false teachings of today. Short, informative chapters contrast the cults’ theologies with the truth found in God’s Word. Included is Atheism, Buddhism, Evolution, Hinduism, Islam, Satanism and more.

For those of you who are offended by the use of God and/or Jesus please understand that it was/ is a directive:
The Great Commission - A Personal Instruction:
The Great Commission is one of the most significant passages in the Holy Bible. First, it's the last recorded personal instruction given by Jesus to His disciples. Second, it's a special calling from Jesus Christ to all His followers to take specific action while on this earth. The Great Commission is found in the Gospel of Matthew.

Before many of you marginalize the Bible by saying it's a book made up by man. The Bible is the Word inspirited by God and was written by about 40 authors over a period of hundreds of years. Hundreds of prophecies have been fulfilled. Here is a link to a list of Prophecies that Jesus Christ Fulfilled, Link. This is a very good source of information as it's a table lay-out of:
o What the prophecy was
o Where in the Old Testament the Prophecy is written
o Where in the New Testament the Prophecy is fulfilled

I feel a great sadness for the many lost souls and yes, There will be tears in Heaven, I knew, why didn't I tell you......

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Music from Bear Valley - My Witness on the Today Show

Copied from my other blog:

  Are we accelerating down that slippery slope to a Godless country? I was reminded of the time I was interviewed by a Today Show employee; here is my witness:

   I had a God given chance to testify on national TV in the early 80s. I was living and working in the Bay area of California and camping in Bear Valley weekends. Bear Valley in the Sierras above Angles Camp taking route 49 as I recall. There is something called "Music from Bear Valley" for three weekends during the summer. I raved to the ticket sellers/ takers at the concerts how wonderful to be able to camp and attend concerts at the same time. The next weekend the Today staff was filming a special segment on the concerts in Bear Valley and wanted to interview a camper who came to camp and for the concerts. As I was one of two campers they knew about and the only tent camper (I was younger then), I was chosen. The Today people came to my campsite in the very open free camping area. I was asked if I thought this was a proper place for concerts and I was taken back. I asked "What better place for concerts than God's cathedral". The interesting thing is that Today recorded three hours of film and cut it down to four minutes. My testimony was included but I wonder if it would be today as we, as a country, stray further from God.

Friday, November 25, 2011

James Charter 5 - The Hal Lindsey Report

   I received Hal Lindsey's email concerning tonight's broadcast of The Hal Lindsey Report:
   A couple of weeks ago, a viewer wrote to me and asked if James 5:1-8 had any prophetic significance. To be candid, I had never carefully studied the passage in that light before. I was surprised to discover that its message really does apply to these times.

   little from James 5, Come now, you rich, weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you! Your riches are corrupted.... Your gold and silver are corroded, and their corrosion will be a witness against you.... You have heaped up treasure in the last days. Indeed, the wages of the laborers who have mowed your fields, which you kept back by fraud, cry out; and the cries of the reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of [Hosts]. I'm listening to Chuck Missler's teaching on James Chapter 5, right on IMO. The Hal Lindsey Report is on TBN Friday at 6:30 PM here in Arizona.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Taxes? How About Pay It Forward to God!

   Now that the super committee has failed to reach any agreement, I don’t know what will happen to our country, however, I agree we have a spending problem and IMO, little accountability by those spending tax dollars.

   Although I’m one of those who doesn’t currently pay income tax as I’m on a fixed income from earned entitlements, Social Security and a company pension, I pay it forward to God. Operation Blessings (OB) does so much good both here in the US and around the world. As my fixed income stays fixed and expenses go up, my wish is that I could do more. Another wish is that our governor officials would be held as accountable for spending as OB is:

As we approach Thanksgiving, please watch this short video about OB.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Time to get my life in order!

I just have no patience with being sick however.....I have a cold that seems to be developing into bronchitis.  After overdoing it yesterday I paid last night and today. I'm running a slight fever and really coughing. I actually scared myself last night when I started choking and couldn't get my breath. I had an inhaler and my throat finally settled down. I found this rather humorist as I thought what if I pass on with three days worth of dirty dishes in the sink, overflowing onto the counter. The dirty dishes bothered me to the point I got up about one AM and washed them. Choking is a common occurrence with polio survivors so perhaps it's time to start taking a Z-pak.  My reaction reminded me again of how unpredictable life is.  The thought of dying doesn't bother me as I'll be with Jesus, however family and friends..., it is way pass time to get my earthly life in order. 

IMO, long before I have to worry about choking to death, Jesus will come for his Church.  The really big question, are you ready?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Drinking in the Word

   I'm watching and listening to the power point teachings by Chuck Missler on the Book of Luke. I finished hour two of 24 hours, very informative. I joined Dr. Missler's Online school, The Koinonia Institute and should be working on my orientation so I can actually start taking the classes.
   I bought a little electronic device, the NowBible. In addition to the Bible it has many study enhancements as well as being an MP3 player. It is compatible with an eight GB mini SD Card so I have lots and lots of teachings on it. I can listen to the teachings or read along with the audio Bible. It is well worth the price.
   There is so much to learn and the more I read the Bible the more I know how very little I know. I told friends at Bible study that it's like a huge, deep water source that I want to dive into and explore ever nock and crannie of. I was brought up in the church and loves the Old Testament Bible stories as a child. I mostly attended mainstream Protestant churches but now for several years have been attending Bible based churches. Now at the Biblical three score and ten I can't seem to get my fill of the Bible.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Joined the Online Koinonia Institue, Nowto Feed on the Word

  I bought Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours several years ago and it's great. Before God TV changed it's signal I would watch Dr. Missler. I've listened to a number of his teaching on the firefighter for Christ website.

  I joke that I'm both tired and retired, however, it's not in me to sit quietly by. After decades as a technocrat, I now make jewelry and have ecommerce carts Online. Like most people today I find business is very slow, plus studying the Word is more satisfying.

  I spend my summers in my home state of Michigan and my winters in Arizona. I attend good Bible based churches in both states and join in Bible studies. I'm finding that the older I get the more time I spend with the Lord. Often I get so impatience with people and their denigrating the Bible and Jesus, don't they know that they are condemning themselves to the wide gate? I know that we are to pray for their coming into the Kingdom so I do.

Monday, October 31, 2011

LEFT BEHIND: CAN YOU STILL BE SAVED? (Seven Things To Remember!!) Thanks to raptureready Website

This is a must read!  LEFT BEHIND: CAN YOU STILL BE SAVED? (Seven Things To Remember!!)

Older eBay Post Asking, "Do you fear death?"

No, not of death, however, I'm hoping to be spared a lingering death. I nearly drowned when I was very young. I was floating along and remember seeing the blue sky through the water covering my face. It was very peaceful until my sister and one of her friends pulled me to the surface. I recall seeing the terrified look on my face as I held onto something. Perhaps for a short time I left my body, I just don't know but death has never frightened me, however, I'm concerned for my family and I feel that God has more for me to do here..

Sunday services at our park chapel is always uplifting, however, this morning perhaps more so. The pastor talked about one of my favorites, 2 Timothy 4; Paul knows he is about to executed by the Romans and is writing to Timothy:
6 For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time for my departure is near. 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Good Information - Myths and Facts about Palestine and Israel

From United with Israel:

This clip explores some of the myths spread by the Arab-Palestinian propaganda machine, from the times of the fall of the Ottoman empire after the first World War, through the British Mandate over Palestine, the agreement to establish a Jewish homeland, the partition of trans-Jordan from Palestine, the 1947 UN partition plan and the 1948 war after Israel declared its independence.

Later it goes to more recent events such as the withdrawal from Lebanon and from Gaza which made Israel suffer relentless attacks from the Arab side, not in the name of nationalism but in the name of the religion of Islam.

IMO, most people have no real concept of how very little of the land they were promised after WWI that they (Israel) actually received. Even that little bit of ground is more than the Muslims want Israel to have. Our country has in the past and is currently pushing Israel to give up more land.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Eastern Turkey, lots of Shaking!

Using the information from the USGS, I've been maintaining a database tracking earthquakes for more than a year.  The USGS criteria is Earthquakes Magnitude 2.5 or Greater in the United States and Adjacent Areas and Magnitude 4.5 or Greater in the Rest of the World.
Eastern Turkey had two earthquakes greater than 4.3 the second half of 2010.  Through 10/22/11, during 2011 there had been seven 4.2 or greater earthquakes in Eastern Turkey.  Today, 10/23/11, so far there have been 17 earthquakes with a Magnitude of 4.2 to 7.2.
Sign of the times?  To be continue.   

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling ~ Anne Murray

Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is Calling sung by Anne Murray with beautiful and inspiring images.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Hurricane Irene and The Long Island Express Hurricane of 1938

As we wait for Irene to impact the East Coast, many are making a comparison to the The Long Island Express Hurricane of 1938.  Seems Irene's projected path is similar to that of the path in 1938.

  John P. McTernan authored a book named As America has Done to Israel.  He tells of the Nazi movement within our country in the late 30s.   Perhaps with Irene God is warning us concerning our treatment of Israel:

Genesis 12:3  And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Another Fair and Balanced post to the eBay Soapbox

Posted to the Soapbox 8/25/11:

I post to threads like this not for the majority of those who post here as your minds are made up as is your right. My concern is for those who come into the soapbox, read posts and don't post themselves. So for anyone interested in relevant information.

How do we know the Bible is true?
Select Audio Sermons from the pull down menu
Select Thru The Bible Series
BTW, one of my favorite contributors is Chuck Missler. As an engineer he gets into the science of the Bible, something that appeals to my technical background.

Saturday, August 13, 2011


I try to bring a little bit of Christian thought into an eBay chat room that seem to be to be rather anti-Christian.  This is a typical posting I made 8/13/2011.
I'm not ignoring you strange, we've had off and on thunderstorms here in SW Michigan. Years ago I blew a mother board likely due to a slow power outage. The lights turned yellow in intensity before going out. The tech thought this did the job on my motherboard. So at the first sign of a thunderstorm I take my computer off the grip.

Luckily my Nextbook has a long battery and plays MP3 in addition to lots of other goodies. So during the latest round of storms I listened to one of Chuck Missler's teaching on the Book of Geneses, good information.

As for Jesus talking about the least of these, I wonder who is meant by the least of these. Jesus mentions my brethren so is He talking about our treatment of the Jewish people, if so we're in deep trouble IMO. Jesus said to help widows and orphans and of course He healed the blind, lame, etc. In Jesus' day woman were a rather second class. Today many widow either have their own work history or can draw on their late husband's benefits. I think orphans are more or less cared for in this country. Now was Jesus talking about people who will not take responsibility for themselves and/or their childred? As for me, I prefer to support faith based organizations who help people who are in great need, need for clean drinking water, netting to prevent malaria, etc.

Since there is so much interest in the Matthew 25  I'll try to start a thread.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Is the Demand that the Rich Pay Even Higher Taxes Covetousness? I Say Yes!

  I did a search for the keyword covet in the Holy Bible and found 39 related verses.  God hates covetousness and included it in the Ten Commandments.
Exodus 20:17
Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.Exodus 20:16-18

More to follow on this subject.  Good night and God bless!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Good News Bad News - Zion Gas and Oil

   The good news is that my shares in Zion Gas and Oil didn't go down in the free fall of today's market. The bad news is that the stock was already at a very low point.  I have to remind myself that I bought these shares more to support oil exploration in Israel that to make a profit.  I take the Holy Bible as God's Word:Genesis 12:3
King James Version (KJV)
3And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

  Add to that my love for Israel, money well spent. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In The Beginning God

With these four words begins the Holy Bible and the greatest adventure of my life.