Rather than uttering a curse like Jotham, I often feel like a watchman on the wall. God had this to say to Ezekiel in Chapter 33:1-9.
“In this chapter, Ezekiel is compared to a watchman. If he warns the people faithfully, but they do not hear, then they will be responsible for their own destruction. If he fails to warn the people, and they perish, God will require their blood at the watchman's hand.
God held Ezekiel responsible for the house of Israel. The question arises for every believer: For whom will God hold us responsible? To whom shall we witness? Whom shall we warn? Our relatives, fellow workers, neighbors, friends? It is a solemn responsibility, and we do harm to our own soul if we do not fulfill it faithfully.”
[Believer’s Bible Commentary]
Decades ago I collected 90% silver coins in an early attempt as a prepper. The price of silver spot was going up and I could buy very little and sadly a few rolls of coins were stolen. Far more dependable protection in this increasing dangerous world is found in The Book of Ephesians. That said, as a watchman I’m compelled to again warn of a clear and present danger being mostly ignored by the federal government.
There are threats to our electric power grid are posed by cyber-attack, sabotage, a geomagnetic super-storm, and electromagnetic pulse (EMP) from the high-altitude detonation of a nuclear weapon. Hardening our grid is possible and at a reasonable cost, nevertheless, little to no action by our government.
What can I do as a watchman warning of the clear and present danger of an EMP? A major concern is to protect the teachings I purchased over the years from KI. I have all of CM’s Bible teachings and most of his other teachings on flash drives packed in Faraday pouches as well as a solar charger and an audio Bible that is charged by solar plus a very small computer. These would be very helpful with small Bible study groups should our grid be taken down.
As a watchman, I need to be better educated concerning EMPs and to be vocal. Warning of the dangers of an EMP is rather like the man carrying a sign, “Repent, the end is near.” Not unlike studying the Bible and being a witness for Jesus.