Saturday, October 14, 2017

Jael engaged in deception with Sisera, yet she was praised by Deborah, and today. 508-1 - 3 - 5

Jael could have been a type for the 21st Century female Kurdish fighters.  CM pointed out that if the Canaanites had won the battle, hundreds of Jewish girls would have been captured and raped, Judges 5:30. Again, an ancient type of the evil behavior of 21st Century ISIS terrorists.
Why Kurdish Women Joined The Fight Against ISIS
June 26, 2017
“Groups of female Kurdish fighters, known as Women's Protection Units, have been fighting on the front lines against ISIS for years. While they have been glamorized by Western media, little is known about the women and their motivations for fighting.”
"They fight alongside their male companions on the front lines and you mentioned that they are now actually very active in the liberation of Raqqa. They also played an important role in the liberation of Tell Abyad, which is also in northern Syria, this was in June 2015.
The female Kurdish fighters aspire to equality with some female commanders over both men and women.
The Sight Of A Woman With A Weapon Makes ISIS Flee In Panic
Updated Jun 07, 2017
A Bethnahrin Women Protection Forces, HSNB, fighter who was born and raised in a European country chose to travel to Syria to fight terrorists. She had this to said:
“This is a fight for all women in the world. ISIS is the worst oppressor in modern time, if I will be able to help release some of the women they are holding hostage and selling as sex slaves, it’s enough for me. I am ready to die for that. It’s also a struggle for the survival of my people, the Assyrians/Chaldeans/Syriacs and for all other Christians in Middle East. I am ready to die for that, too. And I am happy to seek revenge for my friends who were martyred fighting terrorism.”
As for Jael, she did good, perhaps out of a sense of survival. Fate presented her with an opportunity to kill Sisera. She was equal to the task and nailed it.

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